Location, Mt. Rushmore: In stone, we have immortalized George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln – who represent the first 150 years of American History in their role of preserving the republic and expanding the US territory. Is it not time to grant G.W. Bush the same immortality as the president who has led our country down the garden path of doom and destruction – under false pretences of W.M.D, the disregard of climate change, the increase of the national debt, and the snubbing of the constitution that our forefathers put into place? The time is now! Ask what you can do for your country, by questioning our leaders why war contrators have not been challenged nor charged with negligence of our legaly binding agreements.

Call, Write, Email your congressman, and representatives or online democrats.com Iraq Vote Pledge page, and encourage them to CARVE OUR BUSH on Mt. Rushmore! – and if not Mt. Rushmore – I say we carve this man on a sandy beach and let the tide wash it away! Discuss with your friends and acquaintances their thoughts of this senseless IRAQ War and the toll it is taking on the US economy and homeland security. The destruction of our constitution that G W Bush swore to uphold – but has ripped apart. Our Children will inherit the debt that has been created because of this senseless and waistful war!

Freeze all subcontract designated war appropriations – and Bring them Home now!

{ROLLOVER for oUr Bush!}
Carve Our Bush Look for us on yahoo im one_pic Yahoo IM and at Bumhut.com