Hi, I'm Bart Deal and welcome to my personal art site. I was born in California in 1961. As a youth I traveled the world with my military family. The youngest of four boys, I received quiet the education from both formal school and my older siblings. Oh, lets not forget my parents who are the greatest inspiration in my world.
Art always seemed to by at my finger tips whether doodling on my notebook at school or building models in my bedroom.
My Grandfather, James P. Deal, was a great inspiration as an amazing artist in his own right. Although professionally he was in the insurance business, art was his passion and his release. Thankfully I have many of his paintings hanging in my home today. I hope they inspire you as much as they've inspired me.
While in college my inspiration came from one of my professors, Jay Bonifield. He taught me about my imagination and how to reach deeper into it. He also taught me how to see.
In addition a plethora of artists from Rembrandt to Roger Dean, inspired me from my earliest sketches to my most recent works.
Contained in these web pages are my emotions expressed on canvas, paper, metal, and a broad variety of other materials. Some art is my personal collection never to leave my possession while others can be for sale.
I hope this site can inspire your imagination in a ways that are personal to you.