
I think your web site is great. You have alot of cool information. The stuff by Branton has definitely "rung" some bells (for lack of a better word). I have an addition for your collection which causes me to write this to you.

A friend of mine(who wishes to remain anonyomus) showed me this photo over a year ago. It is approximately 2-3 years old. It was taken In New Jersey. It is presently in the possession of his girlfriend who got it from the woman who took it. Let me describe it for you- this woman was taking a picture of her grandkid. The scene is a typical living room with the kid in one of those kiddie walker things. In the background of the photo is a TV. The TV is off. You can see the halo from the flash on the screen. But you can also see an ALIEN face in the screen-very clearly. Very malevolent looking. I have black-barred out the kids eyes.

I know enough about computers and retouching etc, to know that this could have been faked if someone really wanted it to be. But having held this photo in my hand and examined this photo plus having worked in print production in NYC I have determined for me that this is no fake.

The picture is originally in color and clearly shows the skin coloration of this thing. My friend has tried emailing this photo to me on numerous occasions but everytime I could not reassemble or open the file. I just received a disk via snail mail with a grayscale scan of this. It was scanned using Photoshop. I am worried about compatability-I am on a Mac. So I have included a JPEG format (sorry if it does not work) I will snail mail you the disk if need be. This thing should be shared.

Well let me know if you get this. I will get him to send me a color scan when he gets the chance. Let me know Later
Mike Mojo