This is probably one of the stranger areas, inside the Stickney crater! The view in the forground is the rim of the massive crater. The crater in the lower center of the image as well as the smaller crater on the right contain anomalous structures within the craters and nearby, and a groove appears to connect between the two smaller craters, crossing the larger groove from the Stickney at a right angle.
"Complex 2" inside Stickney holds more surprising anomalies. On the left side there appear to be two circular depressions connect to angular buildings, reminiscent of aircraft (spacecraft?) hangers or wharehouses. The rest of the complex contains what appears to be a grouping of features which include several linear structrues. This area is highly anomalous to say the least. Perhaps that is why only 1/3 resolution images have been released. We await full resolution (and full resolution raw images) to be released, Michael Malin.