American Computer Company Announces 90 Gigabyte Solid State Storage Device

American Computer Company announced that it has, after five months effort, successfully assembled a transcapacitor based storage "disk drive" with the assistance of "Tata Industrial Semiconductors", a Taiwan based silicon foundry. Picture and specifications of the new device: (CLICK HERE). Described as a "Poker Chip Sized" solid state disk drive, the new semiconductor could be seen in service by the end of 1999. The device can store over 90 billion characters of information, the capacity of 15 Digital Video Disks, or 112 ordinary CD-ROMs, or printed material which could fill 90 ten-story buildings. Its power consumption is described as "negligible", and the speed of access is said to be "limited by the computer it is connected to, reading a full 1 million bytes of information could take as little as 10 nanoseconds". The development team, underneath Phillip Huang, has visualized PC's with "no RAM memory needed" in a future implementation which might mate one or more of the INTEL Pentium II Processor with the "90b8" device, along with an "embedded Windows NT operating system". Estimated price for the "Hard Drive" version of the 090b8: $495.

When reached for comment, a spokesperson stated: "The best part of this design is, it has NO MOVING PARTS TO WEAR OUT, and is 1000 times faster than even the FASTEST Mainframe Hard Drives ever made by IBM. It will change the entire industry: PC's will be able to outperform Mainframes by an order of magnitude, and supercomputers using thousands of this new device, will truly be able to store information in ways that have never been done before. We intend to sell the device upon introduction next year, as a component Computer assembly houses can simply buy and add to their PCs, and Consumers can buy and upgrade existing machines with. We may just NOT sell it to the top 10 PC Companies who monopolize our industry. It's success hinges upon how reliable our ability to produce such a technology is, one so far ahead of today's memory technologies that it is more than 720 times the capacity of IBM's recent storage announcement, and perhaps a hundred years ahead. Compared to what the Army allegedly discovered 50 years ago, our rendering is probably rather primitive. Humanity must be a "low grade moron" when compared with wherever this device's design came from. In a report read to me yesterday, we have been told that IBM is extremely 'jumpy' about all this, and local confidential inquiries in the Westchester County, New York area around IBM's "New Orchard Road, Armonk" headquarters seems to indicate that while most IBM'ers agree with what we are doing 100%, IBM Corporate Relations continues to try to find ways to upset our applecart, pardon my pun."

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