Giant Craft Emerges From Sea Next To Oil Rig!

From Ben Field From UFO UpDates - Toronto 1-14-98

Permision to publish report: Yes

First name: Jeremy Clark Surname: Packer Age: 32 Occupation: Engineer

Year sighting took place: 1997 Month sighting took place: December Day sighting took place: Monday Time sighting took place: 8:00 am

Country: USA Nearest town: Corpus Christi

Description of area where sighting took place: Oil Platform- 30 miles from Shore of Gulf of Mexico. No land clouds...heavy wind...several liners. 500 manned oil rig.

The UFO was sighted in or near a Reservoir/River/Canal/Water The UFO was sighted in or near an air route

Did anyone else witness the sighting?: Yes Relationship of witnesses: Co-Workers

Circumstances of the sighting/experience: I had just woke up for our daily routine on the rig. Our sleeping quarters were below sea level, so we all had to trundge up to the main core housing to start work. It was about 7:58 to 8:00.

My watch stopped ticking at 7:58 but I don't know if my time was right. Everyone else's watch stopped ticking as well with various times.

As I and about 20 other men neared our stations to perform the daily greasing and releasing routine, we stopped cold in our tracks. The Bore that drills the hole into the ocean floor was bent like a toothpick into a V-Shape.

We looked at the underwater cameras to recheck what our eyes saw and we could't believe it.

First off..this bore is 140.65 Feet thick made of solid steel. Nothing can bend it...let alone something on the ocean floor...and it wasn't even on the ocean floor! It was just right below the surface of the water about 200 feet...the amount of pressure it would take would be equal to the sun's force.

We were dumbfounded... then we got scared! Everyone started hearing a rumbling noise and we knew it wasn't the Engines running the platform bore...everything shuts off when something goes wrong. Out of th West we saw what looked to be about 25-30 Helicopters on maneuvers...not an uncommon a sight. What was uncommon was that the rig commander came up and told us he had no alerts to any military maneuvers from the Coast Guard that day. They usually alert us whenever they do these things in our vicinity. Another peculiar thing was that the helicopters made no sounds..none. ZIPP!

Then we all ran to the west side of the platform...about 250 of us in all...the others were below sleeping...they have the night shift. Then we saw something that totally changed us! All of the helicopters stopped in midair and something LARGE..very LARGE surfaced beneath them.

It was a HUGE Metal object about the size of our platform! It just came straight out of the water and straight into the air! It hovered over the Helicopters for about 2 minutes. Enough for us to use the telescopes to check it out!

It was as large as about two football fields, concave underneath with 4 large bulbouse domes in the concave part of the bottom of it. It turned on it's side and we saw that it looked like a huge flying CIGAR which was tapored at both ends. On the top of the thing was another concave indent that had lights circling within it.

Every color you could possibly imagine! It was BEAUTIFUL! We heard the soft rumbling all througout the sighting.

Then something amazing happened as we stood there in disbelief. Like someone turning off a light was gone. One second we were all looking through binoculars, telescopes and through just our eyes...hell it was close enough you didn't need the devices! then it was gone. I would say as fast as you could blink or a light switch would turn on and off a was gone.

The helicopters headed our way and passed us overhead, again never making a sound. We could see that they had absolutely no markings. Familiar with the stuff the military does around here, we knew they we ren't military craft. Some looked like they were stainless steel, almost invisible, some were jet black. I counted best friend couted 28.

Everyone had a different amount. We all also noticed that our watches were about 30 minutes later than what the time actually was when we got back to the mainland.

We were sent on temporary leave by our bosses for what we reported so that they could fix/repair/replace the bore on the rig.

I'm back at work now but I still look out at the ocean every chance I get!

The height the UFO was from the ground was about: 280 - 300 feet above sea.

Noise information heard during the sighting: Rumbling sound for most of the sighting. Our watches stopped working!

The UFO was sighted for [ ] Minutes: 30

The UFO Manoeuvred The UFO Changed Colour The UFO Hovered The UFO Rotated

Was any photographic record made at the time?: Yes, Camera

Did you experience any effects ie loss of time: Yes...All our watches showed 30 minutes late/about the time the sighting took place.

(Weather and Conditions) - Windy (Weather and Conditions) - Cold (Weather and Conditions) - Daylight