Belgium Finds Third Mad Cow Case, Destroys Herd

Copyright © 1998
Copyright © 1998 Reuters News Service

BRUSSELS (March 30, 1998 11:19 a.m. EST - Belgium's farm authorities said on Monday a third case of mad cow disease had been discovered in the northwest of the country, leading to the destruction of a 124-strong herd of cattle.

Government veterinarians examined a five-year-old cow on March 9, confirming mad cow disease or BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) earlier on Monday. The European Commission and other European Union members had been informed, the farm ministry said in a statement.

The cow belonged to a dairy farm in Waarschoot, eastern Flanders. The farm's cattle, some 124 animals, had been destroyed, and the brains of all those aged over two years taken for analysis.

Belgium's second mad cow case came to light only three weeks ago, also in the province of Flanders. The first case occurred in October last year in the southern province of Namur.