Huge Monolith Discovered In Clementine Data

Date: July 5, 1998


A HUGE MONOLITH has been discovered in CLEMENTINE data from an official NASA website! This MONOLITH is HUGE and looks like a huge "spike" sticking strait up from the lunar surface! In my opinion there is simply NO WAY that this HUGE object pointing up from the lunar surface could be any kind of natural formation. It MUST be artificial!

It sure is not any crash dummy, weather balloon, flare, or atmospheric inversion!

For more information about this HUGE MONOLITH you can visit the following website to see pictures, read updates about the MONOLITH, and get links to the NASA site(s) that it is located at:

Also, it is very important that as many people as possible with VRML equipped browsers visit and inspect the MONOLITH at the NASA site before it gets YANKED or ALTERED. If you have a VRML equipped browser you can visit the following NASA site to see the MONOLITH from all angles and directions at the following URL:

Note: of the two ends of a long narrow 3D strip; the monolith can be found on the squared end.

Now, two more brief suggestions:

1) PLEASE share this information with EVERYONE you know and spread it far and wide before the information gets yanked from the net or altered. It is very important that as many people as possible know about this huge monolith. This could be the information and proof that forces disclosure of the UFO/ET reality once and for all!

2) PLEASE send this information to RICHARD C. HOAGLAND. He needs to know about this information AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Thanks for all of your help! Take care and God Bless all of you!

Best Regards,