Clinton's Addictive, Self-Destructive Personality
Another specialist speaks out on need for therapy

By David M. Bresnahan
Copyright 1998,

President Bill Clinton suffers from multiple addictions and is on the verge of self-destruction, according to a noted psychotherapist and addictions specialist.

"He certainly has damaged himself. He hasn't taken it to the ultimate point, but I think if he doesn't drop his denial he's going to. He can't really deal with what's going to come down from Starr," anticipated Dr. Jerome D. Levin.

Clinton will have a very difficult time with public disclosure of his sexual problems "unless he comes clean with himself about having the problem. It's not just sex. It affects his entire life," explained Levin when he appeared on "Talk USA Investigative Reports."

Clinton exhibits various symptoms that would indicate he has multiple addictions, or "cross addictions." Sex addicts are also known to be obsessed with pornography. Levin says Clinton is so addicted that he is either thinking about it or engaged in some form of sexual gratification so often that it is a distraction affecting everything else he does. It is also not unusual for sex addicts to be addicted to alcohol, drugs, or both.

Arkansas State Trooper Larry Patterson, former Clinton body guard for over six years in Arkansas, witnessed Clinton's addiction first hand. Patterson spent many hours giving a deposition for the Paula Jones case in which he detailed the daily hunt he says Clinton engaged in to find women. He also described Clinton's constant sexual discussions and innuendoes.

"This was a favorite saying of his. He'd say, 'Larry, the lady out there has that "come hither" look.' Or he'd say, 'She's really coming on strong. I'm going to have to do something about her.' He's the chief executive of the state. He's a big, good looking guy. He's got a really good personality. So the women flock to him. It was not hard to get them to participate," explained Patterson while being interviewed for the book "Cover Up: The Art and Science of Political Deception." In Clinton's deposition for the Paula Jones case he admitted he used "come hither look" as a way to describe certain women.

Trooper Patterson or other security guards would simply walk up to the woman Clinton had selected and tell them, "The governor wants to be with you." The women got the message and were usually very willing participants. Usually. Not always, as we have learned from Paula Jones.

Encounters happened everywhere Governor Clinton went. Patterson said Clinton was very supportive of Chelsea's school events and recitals because he considered it a great place to pick up women. One such occasion early in the trooper's assignment was very telling.

"I had blocked the driveway at Chelsea's school so he could meet this lady and spend about 45 minutes with her. He got back in the car and asked, 'How are we going to account for this period of time?' I said, 'Watch this.' I picked up the radio and I reported in. I told the trooper, 'We've been out at a friend's house.' The trooper said, '10-4.' Clinton patted me on the shoulder and said of the trooper who had responded, 'He is my friend. He will lie for me, steal for me, cheat for me, kill for me.' He said, 'You have to do the same to cover for me.'"

Trooper Patterson said he wasn't about to kill for Clinton, but he was a willing participant in covering up for him. The reason, of course, was fear and intimidation. He was afraid that he would be out of work if he complained.

When Patterson and other troopers first went public with "troopergate," they were heavily discredited by the Clinton spin team. Many more people are now willing to accept their stories because of Clinton's recent admission to the American people.

"His political style is an addictive one too," explained Levin. "He seeks the love of crowds and the approval of people, which undermines his ability to lead in situations where they're not going to like what he says, just as much as he seeks reinforcement from seducing women.

"It affects him across the board and I think he's headed for real bad trouble if he doesn't come to terms with his problem. He's a compulsive people pleaser. He needs the applause maybe more than most politicians."

There have been several unconfirmed reports that cocaine residue was discovered on the Monica Lewinsky dress, which was tested for stains said to have been made in a sexual encounter between the two, also unconfirmed.

Clinton was known to frequent parties and events put on by long-time friend Dan Lasater while he was in Arkansas. Lasater was arrested on federal drug charges involving cocaine trafficking, but was able to enter a plea for a lesser state crime and a shorter sentence. Clinton's brother, Roger Clinton, was also convicted of drug charges in the incident. Clinton was able to issue pardons because the crimes were lessened from federal to state charges.

The investigation was conducted by former Arkansas State Trooper Doc Delaughter, who says Clinton friend and major financial supporter Don Tyson of Tyson Foods was involved. His investigation was mysteriously shut down and Delaughter says he was forced out of his job and out of the state. Copies of confidential police reports describing portions of the investigation were made public by Delaughter and can be found in "Cover Up," along with many other documents.

Will Kenneth Starr's report contain information about drug use by Clinton? Did the dress have cocaine residue on it? Were there other women Clinton has had sex with in the White House? A source familiar with the report being prepared said, "There are more women. There are also women from Arkansas who previously signed affidavits similar to Lewinsky's claiming they did not have sex with Clinton but have since recanted those claims. Beyond that, all I can tell you is there will be a number of surprises in that report that will blow the general public away."

Levin said it would not be a surprise to him to learn that Clinton might also be addicted to cocaine or some other drug. People with sexual addictions are very commonly addicted to alcohol, drugs, or both. He said it is very unusual to find someone with only one addiction. "As you know, his brother was busted for cocaine and had a cocaine problem," said Levin.

If a witness is shown to be a liar in a court case, that witness is no longer considered credible. Now that Clinton has admitted deceiving the American people, can he be trusted? Does he have the credibility needed to deal with government leaders?

"He has certainly undermined his credibility. To what degree you want to make that across the board, well certainly in the area of his sex life you would be rather naive to believe anything he said. Whether you want to generalize that or not, I'll let you decide," said Levin about Clinton's truthfulness.

Levin, in addition to characterizing Clinton as a liar, sex addict and drug abuser, says he is most likely obsessed with pornography as well. "That would be typical of the syndrome," said Levin.

Dr. Paul Fick has made a similar diagnosis of Clinton. He says treatment will take 18 to 36 months and requires Clinton to leave office. Levin disagrees. He says Clinton can be treated in four weeks while Gore fills in.

"Addictions are treatable diseases," said Levin. "Lots of people recover but lots of people destroy themselves, and indeed die. It's extremely important, whether it's the President (or anyone else), get yourself some professional help. Do something about it, and recovery can be amazingly satisfying.

"I would urge the President to go public, not in any great detail, but simply say that he has recognized that he has a problem and he has a plan to treat it. Whatever that plan is, share it in outline, not in the details, with the American nation. Get himself that kind of help and return to his job as I've seen many other high-level professionals do. I think Clinton would be respected if he did that."

Levin is the author of "The Clinton Syndrome: The President and the Self-Destructive Nature of Sexual Addiction."