Deposition of a Dead Man

October 15, 1997

As I stepped outside my workplace on my way to my vehicle, I was thinking the usual, too nice a day to be stuck inside... It was roughly 1:30 p.m. central time.

I looked up in sky to the south-east as something caught my attention, a large pattern of unusual jet contrails. I say unusual because it was very obvious that these were of military origin. At the highest altitude was an almost perfect circular contrail, which of course being familiar with Air Force activity, would indicate the presence of an A.W.A.C. practicing guidance and monitoring of the dog-fight like activity just below. The lower contrails appeared to be created by roughly five to seven different aircraft, making sharp turns and steep dives and climbs. Now, to the average person, sights like these are quite uncommon...So I went straight home and grabbed my camcorder.

Going out to the porch and setting up my tri-pod, I realized something very strange was also occurring. Looking up towards the contrails, as far as the eye could see, was an extremely fine substance floating down from the exact location of the contrails. Quickly, locating my binoculars, I could see this angle-hair like substance floating down in a direct trail from the aircraft activity above. I taped what I could quickly, of this material floating gently down, and drove to some friends to see what their opinion was and to what degree this material was covering. About 1 mile to the south of my home people driving on the interstate highway claimed it to be so thick that it appeared similar to snow flurries drifting across the road. Myself and several friends decided to carefully collect specimens.

Not certain what course to take from here, and being careful not to jump to conclusions, I compared this material to spiderwebs, because that is exactly what it looked like. Some of it had "balled up" so the collection and comparison was quite easy. Doing the basic comparison tests, immulsion, heat, and basic chemical reaction, the "angel-hair" always reacted differently than the actual spider webs.

Not wanting to sound paranoid or alarmist, the only thing left to do was either pass it off, or obtain a professional analysis of the material, to confirmation that it may be some harmless military application used in evasive maneuvers, such as a radar absorbent material.

The first phone call I made was to the Ft. Smith Arkansas regional airport (F.A.A.) tower. The person here was anything but helpful and actually "dis-imformative". As he stated he knew nothing of the air traffic that I was describing to him, but yet made comments that they were in fact controlling "some" of the traffic. How can you control something you know nothing about is beyond me. He did however refer me to "Memphis Central" and "Dallas Ft. Worth" F.A.A. control centers that were in direct operations with the air traffic.

These two locations were very helpful and not aprehensious about revealing any information at all. In an attempt to discover the possible identity of the material, I just related to them that I wasn't alarmed, but owned a small acreage of hay ground that this stuff was now covering and that some of my hay was sold to the owners of purebred race horses. Being extremely careful with their feed, I told the controllers that the hay was really unimportant to me and if there might be any implications of risk to the horses I would just sell to less important markets. Neither of these people however, could identify the material as I described it. In fact, they were both quite baffled. The only recourse they made available to me would be to talk directly to one of the Air Force Bases involved. They did confirm military flights in the exact described location, but were uncertain which unit was participating on that day. They also informed me that contacting the bases would most likely net me zero results.

So, as the situation becomes even more unexplainable, the only alternative left was to send specimens to a trustworthy biological lab. Again several more phone calls later, a lab and a direct contact was established. Because of the nature of the incident however, results would be slower due to the necessitation of maintaining a low profile and retaining anonymity with anyone other than the contact. At this point in time it was still uncertain if any of the material was anything other than harmless, only that the events surrounding the event were in a way suspicious, in some respects, and worth investigating.

It was definitely decided that news media at this point would be anything but productive. As they are too easily influenced by "Officials", it would be too simple for the entire story to be either led off, or covered up, making any 'civies' (civilians) appear to be fools.

The first news received from the lab confirmed the material to be synthetic. Microspectronomy proved the substance to have asbestos type properties,(including adhesion to lung tissue).

At this point in time, I had become ill(weakness, diahrea, and cold symptoms). Throughout the area it seemed as if almost everyone was touched with symptoms in one way or another. While the symptoms weren't severe enough for most people to take leave of work, they were enough to be aggravating. The thing you may be wondering here is if there was any public correlation of the illness and the previous events. The answer is no. Most people would even say you were crazy for even suggesting such an outlandish story, and as we could not confirm any toxicity of the material as of yet, there was little we could say or do. Consequently, I ran into a woman that worked at a chicken processing plant located a mere two blocks south of the interstate highway. After a brief period of small talk concerning local infestations of widespread but mild illnesses, it became obvious that she had information that concerned her greatly, and was important for her to share.

"You know," she began,"the day after that stuff came down the damn health department showed up at my work."

"Oh?" I said,"Did they say anything about it?"

"No they didn't. They just said they were there to offer free inoculations. Some kind of flu shot, to everybody at the plant. Almost everybody figured it could be a good deal, you know, being free and all. Except me and three other girls just kinda politely refused. You know, cause something about it just didn't sound quite right. But anyways, within the next three days all four of us got so sick we had to call in work. But out of everybody else, not a single soul so much as got the sniffles."

It wasn't until around the first week of November that in fact bacteria had been confirmed in the material. The first "bugs" were confirmed to be of the ENTERO-BACTEREOCAE group, which definitely produce the symptoms found locally. The hitch though, was that while the group of the discovered bacteria could be determined, the actual bacteria itself remained a mystery! No one had ever seen this specific type before. My lab contact notified colleges and specialist all over the country and yet no one was able to identify the strain. And, even more alarming, the strain is said to have mutational characteristics!

This case remains highly documented...with all phone calls recorded for authenticity and content, as well as video taped events. Just whcontent, as well as video taped events. Just what happened here? Were we being tested for alertness...or were we guinea pigs...being fed a mutational virus (Biological weapon) that may some day evolve before our eyes into another deadly plague with no known cure? Who in fact knows the answers to these and other questions. Just which Air Wing was practicing maneuvers that day and was this release in fact known and intentional?

Perhaps we will know the answers to these questions very undisclosed Lab and Scientist have completed their analysis of the substance...They have also completed labwork and physical evaluations of several "VICTIMS".


Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 19:05:15 -0800
From: iRESIST <idzrus@earthlink.NET
Subject: IP: (Fwd) Fwd: Dead Man Walking

Well, this post is truly interesting to me as I witnessed a similar 'black goop from high contrails' this past saturday outside Reno, Nevada. I was visiting with family and we were out looking at property in the higher hills east of Reno when what appeared to almost be a shadow in front of us. In fact when we were questioning what it was that was one comment made. With a closer look one could see it was not a shadow but some type of substance floating downward from a contrail. When we got out of the vehicle to walk the ground I started looking up and saw the familiar grid pattern and noticed that the planes creating this were VERY high, (we were at an elevation of 6000 feet or so ourselves) and that the 'shadow' was falling from almost every one of the contrails. My camera had decided to go kaflucks on this trip so I was not able to photograph what I saw. I remembered having read a few Emails about this some time back and intended to follow up on it when I got home. Guess I don't have to do much as this post that follows says it pretty well. I wonder just how wide spread this is and WHAT is it they are floating onto us. And Al Gore hollers about automobile engines. Oh well, I have no answers but I did see this for myself just 4 days ago over Reno Nevada. Anyone else watching for this in their area?

Jackie Juntti