FIRE FROM THE SKY by "One Who Knows" PART 29: If you doubt the fact that the Nazis never gave up and that they planned to continue the war after their defeat in Germany, and planned to make a comeback to finally achieve their goal, then perhaps you should read the following books: Connell, Brian, *A Watcher On The Rhine,* William Morrow & Co., New York, 1957. "Old wine in new bottles," how the Nazis have come back into power. Horne, Alistair, *Return To Power,* Fredrick A. Praeger, Inc., New York, 1956. "The struggle for unification, rather than any revival of Nazism, may one day force Germany out of the Western camp." Tetens, T.H., *The New Germany And The Old Nazis,* Random House, New York, 1961. "A frank and often shocking account which details how 'Hitler's own' have managed to return to power in almost every walk of German life..." Winkler, Paul, *The Thousand-Year Conspiracy,* Charles Scribner's Sons, 1943. "Secret Germany behind the mask." White, Theodore H., *Fire In The Ashes,* William Sloane Associates, New York, 1953. The fire of Nazism in the ashes of Europe. Sayers, Michael and Kahn, Albert E., *The Plot Against The Peace,* Book Find Club, New York, 1945. "...uncovers Nazi Germany's secret plans for a Third World War." Schultz, Sigrid, *Germany Will Try It Again,* Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1944. Does the title give you a clue? Dornberg, John, *Schizophrenic Germany,* MacMillan Company, New York, 1961. "Is the new West Germany of the postwar years as democratic as we have been led to believe, or does Nazism still smolder?" Lord Russell, Brigadier, of Liverpool, C.B.E., M.C., *Return of the Swastika?" David McKay Co., New York, 1969. Russell was part of the Nuremberg prosecution team. There are more, these just happen to be the ones in my personal library. I read them, mostly about 20 or 30 years ago. I do not mean to give the impression that Germany is the source of the world's problems; Germany has simply been a part of a much bigger picture. Other valuable books that will give you insight are: Bacque, James, *Other Losses,* Stoddart Publishing Co., Canada, 1989. The truth about how Eisenhower murdered thousands of German prisoners of war AFTER the surrender. Many of those starving soldiers and piles of dead bodies you have seen in atrocity photos were NOT Jews, they were Germans. Don't argue with me, read the book. General George Patton wrote in 1945 that Eisenhower was using "practically Gestapo methods" in torturing and killing German POWs. You can obtain the book probably from *Spotlight* Newspaper if you can't find it otherwise. Sutton, Anthony C., *Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler, '76 Press, Seal Beach, Calif., 1976. ALBERT EINSTEIN Albert Einstein is a good example of another deception and hoax involved with the atomic bomb program. When many people think of the atomic bomb they think of Einstein. He was presented as the world's greatest scientist, and a hero of the atomic bomb program. Upon closer inspection, you will find that his major contributions were his use of his influence to obtain President Roosevelt's support for the bomb and he was the one personally responsible for bringing the major Communist atomic spy Klaus Fuchs into the Program. The Russians know nothing about the atomic bomb until Fuchs brought it to their attention in 1942. (*Heisenberg's War,* p. 524). Thanks to Fuchs, (and to a massive amount of Secret material illegally shipped through Lend-Lease) they were able to explode their own bomb in 1949. Einstein was a communist cell member with Fuchs. Fuchs was the top scientist on the Manhattan Project and he gave the atomic secrets to the Soviets. (Jordan, George Recey, *From Major Jordan's Diaries,* Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, 1952.) We are taught that Einstein is the author of the Theory of Relativity, yet evidence has come for the proving that the real author was Mileva Maric, Einstein's first wife. Einstein had a reputation at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Zurich of being a man with poor work habits and was often reprimanded for laziness during all his school years, including the University. He developed a romance with classmate Mileva who helped him with his math. His autobiography says "In my work participated a Serbian student Mileva Maric who I married later." She had an illegitimate daughter in 1902, which they gave up for adoption. They got married in 1903, separated in 1912 and divorced in 1919. This is when Einstein married his cousin Elsa. The original manuscript of the *The Theory of Relativity* submitted for publication had Maric's name on it as co-author. For more proof, see the article "Theory of Relativity - Who is its Real Author?" by Dr. Rastko Maglic and J. W. McGinnis, President, International Tesla Society, in the Jul/Aug 1994 issue of *Extraordinary Science* magazine, which contains references for further documentation. Einstein was a hoax and fraud saddled on the scientific community to prevent them from learning too much and to promote Jews as being superior, sort of Nazism in reverse. Einstein's famous equation "E=MC squared" is WRONG, or at best only partially correct. His definition of energy is WRONG, his definition of mass is WRONG, C is defined as the top speed possible for anything, then it is squared, which would be even faster and thus contradicts the definition. Light is described as a constant, which is WRONG as defined. In a higher understanding, light does not move, our perception of the speed of light is WRONG. Those who REALLY understand, and who can prove it by creating matter out of "nothing" for instance, say that the original WHITE LIGHT is invisible and still. Read books by Walter Russell for more information. Einstein was a Zionist with membership in at least 16 Communist front organizations such as Friends of the Soviet. Einstein was head of the Jewish Black Book Committee, which was listed as a Communist front in the 1947 House Un-American Activities Committee Report. The correct science being discovered and revealed by such as Nikola Tesla, Walter Russell, Tom Bearden, Andrija Puharich, etc., was suppressed to prevent humanity from achieving energy independence (and thus political and military independence) from the Rockefeller/Rothschild oil/nuclear energy barons. This same technology leads to understanding of good health, and thus independence from the drug/medical crowd, who happen to be the same oil crowd crooks. PAUL ROSBAUD Rosbaud was one of Britain's top spies in Nazi Germany. He worked as scientific adviser for the publishing firm of Springer Verlag. He came to know Albert Einstein, Peter Kapitsa, Niels Bohr, Ernest Rutherford, Leo Szilard, Otto Hahn, and others of importance in the quest for the Bomb. Kapitsa was the one later credited by Tom Bearden with creating Russia's advanced Tesla technology weapons. Kapitsa won the Nobel Prize in 1978 for his work on the physics of low temperatures and very strong magnetic fields, areas that were pursued in developing anti-gravity platforms. Rosbaud was code named The Griffin. History books say that the Allies found out from The Griffin that Germany did not have the atomic bomb, and thus the military could advance with more confidence. A book entitled *The Griffin* by Arnold Karmish (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1986, on page 199, chapter titled "Double-Cross" tells of this): "On Sunday, December 26, 1943, the day the *Scharnhorst* was sunk, the major headline in the London *Sunday Express* was THE SECRET WEAPON MAY NOT COME OFF. Beneath it was a long and accurate feature article by Kai Siegbahn, the son of Lise Meitner's reluctant host, Manne Siegbahn. He explained the fundamentals of nuclear energy and described the prewar research. As for the bomb, Siegbahn concluded: 'Despite all the secretiveness about researching in the uranium problem, I venture to say that the uranium bomb is still non-existent, except as a research objective It is rather difficult to say if it is possible at all to construct such a bomb, but for the present it seems as if an essential link is missing for making the uranium bomb a reality.' Even more remarkable, the *Sunday Express* went beyond Siegbahn's opinion to assure its readers that 'it may therefore be a source of consolation to know that able Swedish atoms-scientists believe that the Germans have not succeeded in creating atom explosives.' The *Express* explained its sources for the information by saying, 'Swedish scientists had close contacts with German scientists until the Germans recently arrested Norwegian professors and students.' Among those recently arrested was, of course, Odd Hassel. "Press security on the atomic bomb was extremely tight in the United States and even tighter in Britain, so the article's appearance seemed at first a puzzle. The *Express* was owned by William Maxwell Aitken, Lord Beaverbrook, formerly minister of war production and now lord privy seal. Lord Beaverbrook was intimately familiar with the history of the atomic bomb project and its present course, and he was in constant touch with his editors about what they should print. It was quite clear, then, that Kai Siegbahn's article was no accident - but what was its purpose? "It was not hard to discern the reassuring purpose of the message to the British public. Rumors about Hitler's secret weapons had been rife, and the actions against Rjukan had focused attention on the bomb. But the Gestapo and the Abwehr also read the British papers. "From the exploit of Jacques Allier to the attacks on the Norwegian installations, the Germans had kept reading the lesson that heavy water was essential for atomic research and that the Allies would do anything to halt production. Now, an article by a distinguished neutral scientist - apparently published with official approval - carried the strong implication that the British were still in a research stage and without much hope of 'making the uranium bomb a reality.' "The article was, of course, a deliberate SIS plant, conceived in the Double-Cross Committee (The XX Committee), chaired by John Masterman of MI-5." Lies were and are standard operating procedure for both sides. The article continues: "The top SIS expert on the Abwehr was Frank Foley [who worked with Masterman] of Section V, so he was recruited to the XX Committee as a senior advisor. In the early months, his work was interrupted by a special assignment, conducting the lengthy interrogation of Rudolf Hess. When he returned four months later, Foley took up the deception business once more." So you see that the ones involved with lying about the bomb were the same ones very interested in what was said by Rudolf Hess. Hess' information remained highly classified long after the war, until he was recently murdered so that they could close Spandau Prison and keep him from talking. In the book *Journey Into Madness, The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control And Medical Abuse* by Gordon Thomas, p. 152, tells of one of the heads of the CIA mind-control programs, Dr. Grant Cameron, going to Nuremberg to "establish the state of mind of Rudolf Hess." I wonder if that is "establish" as in "to determine," or as in "to create." Rosbaud was a close friend with Goudsmit who ran Operation Alsos with Boris Pash. Goudsmit "formed a close friendship with Rosbaud that endured until Paul died" (p. 241). After the war, Rosbaud formed Pergamon Press with Robert Maxwell. Maxwell went on to become a British "press baron" (p. 250, *The Griffin*) and was working with the Israeli Mossad selling Israeli briefcase nuclear bombs like the ones used in the New York Trade Center bombing. (Interview with Galen Winsor by Tom Valentine, *Radio Free America,* March 23, 1993. These bombs were used by Special Forces as early as 1960 per Sgt. Joe Garner, "Army vet tested nuclear 'suitcase bombs' in 60s," *Houston Chronicle,* January 23, 1995. Also see "Backpack Nukes for 'Nam, Inside SF's Super-Secret A-Bomb Project" in *Soldier Of Fortune,* May 1995.) The information that spy Rosbaud, who was Jewish, provided is mentioned in a U.S. Department of Justice memorandum dated April 26, 1955, which reads: "[Rosbaud] returned to Germany determined to assist England and its allies at all costs. This he accomplished. The records in this matter contain official corroboration that Dr. Rosbaud remained in Berlin during World War II for the purpose of obtaining certain technical intelligence for the United States and the United Kingdom. This information was extremely useful and invaluable for the allied cause and involved great risk on the part of Dr. Rosbaud. His activities on behalf of the allied cause were successful and of such importance that even today they cannot be disclosed and are still highly classified." When you read the book, you see that the most important information that Rosbaud provided was the non-existent status of the German bomb. Yet, the exact details are still "highly classified." So what's the big deal, why is the information still above top secret (top secret items have been declassified)? Makes one wonder, doesn't it? Another curious "coincidence" is that, after Samisdat published the Nazi UFO information, two journalists from Springer Publishers flew to Toronto to interview Ernst Zundel (head of Samisdat) in person. Samisdat used to sell an audiotape of the interview. SAMUEL ABRAHAM GOUDSMIT Another curiosity is Goudsmit. He turns up in interesting places. He supported Oppenheimer during Oppenheimer's espionage trials. The APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, founded in 1952) *Bulletin,* August 1975, contained information obtained from declassified (and well sanitized) CIA records concerning the Robertson Panel which was convened in 1953 to study UFOs. Dr. H.P. Robertson was an expert in cosmology at California Institute of Technology, director of the Weapons System Evaluation Group in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and a CIA classified employee. The panel was convened by the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and included Dr. Samuel Abraham Goudsmit, theoretical physicist and Chairman of the Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratories. Goudsmit was rather a heavy dude to be "wasting" time on UFOs that the government maintained did not exist. Other OSI panel members were Panel Chairman Dr. Howard Percy Robertson, on leave from his job as professor of Mathematical Physics at California Institute of Technology to be full time to OSI; physicist Dr. Luis Walter Alvarez, University of California, Berkeley, a specialist in magnetism and microwaves (it was speculated that the Roswell UFO was shot down by microwaves) and according to UFO researchers a member of Majestic-12 and the Jason Group; geophysicist Lloyd Viel Berkner, President of Associated Universities, Inc., which operated the particle accelerators of the Brookhaven National Laboratories (according to David Jacobs, *The UFO Controversy in America,* Berkner "accompanied Admiral Byrd" on Antarctic expeditions. Berkner is generally listed as a member of Majestic-12 and the Jason Group); astronomer Dr. Thornton Leigh Page, Deputy Director, Office of Operations Research, Johns Hopkins University and formerly a physicist with *Naval* ordnance. Others included Frederick Clark Durant, a rocket engineer; astronomer Dr. Joseph Allen Hynek, Ohio (home of Wright-Patterson) State University who was also a consultant to the U.S. Air Force Air Technical Intelligence Center (which did the UFO Blue Book Project). The Panel interviewed a long list of Generals and Chiefs and other Big Boys and Heavy Dudes. Fred Durant met regularly with Stuart Nixon, assistant to John Acuff, head of NICAP. (Timothy Good, *Above Top Secret,* William Morrow & Co., New York, 1988, p. 349.) Durant worked with von Braun, Krafft Ehricke, Harvard astronomer Fred Whipple, Maryland physicist Fred Singer, Navy Commander George Hoover and others on Ehricke's Moonbase and Marsbase projects. Army General John Medaris was in charge of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency over von Braun and on March 20, 1959, received a directive for a study of a manned lunar base. "General Medaris organized a crash effort to carry out the study, which became Project Horizon. Less than three months later, on June 8, the study was completed. On the first page of the study (four or five volumes of which have been declassified), the conclusions are stated: Military, political and scientific considerations indicate that it is imperative for the United States to establish a lunar outpost at the earliest practicable date... Project Horizon represents the earliest feasible capability for the U.S. to establish a lunar outpost" [Project Horizon 1959, vol. 1, p. 1]. (Marsha Freeman, *How We Got To The Moon, The Story of the German Space Pioneers,* 21st Century Science Associates, Washington, D.C., 1993, p. 210.) Ehricke worked with Dornberger at Bell until 1954 when he went with Convair Astronautics in California which was in charge of building space stations and the lunar base. *The Washington Star,* December 29, 1958, described the Convair station as "the brainchild of Krafft Ehricke." Durant, Whipple and George Hoover were part of the Office of Naval Research. Whipple's assistant, J. Allen Hynek, was part of the Robertson Panel, as was Durant. In UFO researcher William Steinman's correspondence with Grant Cameron, he states: "I contacted Dr. Alvarez in private, when he admitted that he did take part in the recovery of a saucer in Mexico. He would not go into detail concerning the events and who else was involved." Steinman wrote the book *UFO Crash At Aztec* which is an excellent source for more information on these men. Unfortunately it is a large, heavily documented book but with no index. Dr. Lloyd Berkner is also listed in *Assault On The Unknown, The International Geophysical Year* as the head of the American part of the International Geophysical Year study. He was radio man on the first Byrd Expedition to the Antarctic and developed the sounder that charts the radio-reflecting layers of the atmosphere. Berkner was Chairman of the Space Science Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Operation Highjump is not mentioned, but Berkner was part of Operation Deepfreeze at the Antarctic in 1957-1958, headed by Byrd until his death, as were Werner von Braun and Frederick C. Durant. Berkner became a Navy Rear Admiral. Another Antarctic scientist was Dr. Carl Augustus Heiland, who worked with Vannevar Bush and who was part of the on-site recovery team of the Aztec UFO crash (p. 85, *UFO Crash At Aztec*). He appears to be a Paperclip scientist, as he received his Doctorate from the University of Hamburg. Another very important scientist was Dr. Eric Henry Wang. I will not go into his story at this time, except to quote Steinman: "The subject of Dr. Eric Henry Wang remains one of the most touchy and sensitive areas in all ufology" (p. 282). Dr. Eric Wang was head of the Office of Special Studies of the Air Materials Command at Wright-Patterson AFB. He was an Austrian-born graduate of the Vienna Technical Institute and "a close associate of Victor Schauberger." (Hamilton, William F., *Cosmic Top Secret,* Inner Light, 1991, p. 23.) Steinman's book has a whole chapter on Nazi German "flying disk" projects, many of which used Schauberger's designs. Goudsmit concluded that UFO sightings were "due to a formation of ducks or other birds." The official conclusion of the panel was that interest in UFOs was dangerous and that the situation should be downplayed and covered up. Jacobs said that Robertson showed the final report of the panel to General Charles Cabell, director of Air Force intelligence and later Deputy Director of the CIA in charge of clandestine operations, "who expressed satisfaction with it." Cabell's brother Earl was the Mayor of Dallas during the Kennedy assassination, and apparently was the one who ordered the motorcade to change routes into the ambush area. Earl later went to work for Howard Hughes. General Cabell was the person who briefed President Kennedy prior to the Bay of Pigs invasion. Robert Groden in *High Treason* quotes Victor Marchetti as saying that Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, Bernard Barker, Charles Cabell, and Richard Nixon "were all working together in the CIA's Bay of Pigs planning operation." Kennedy later fired Cabell. Cabell and Richard Bissell were in charge of the U-2 program. Lee Harvey Oswald was given a job within one week of his arrival in Dallas working on maps for the U-2 flights (Jim Garrison, *On The Trail of The Assassins*). In 1957, Oswald was a radar operator at the U-2 base in Atsugi, Japan. General Cabell ordered the re-activation of Project Grudge on October 27, 1951, and on December 11, 1951, Major General John A. Stamford, "having replaced Major General Cabell as director of intelligence, was given a full briefing of the service's UFO program by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and Colonel Frank Dunn, chief of the Air Technical Intelligence Center." (Flammonde, Paris, *UFOs Exist!* Ballantine Books, New York, 1976, p. 392-393.) According to Leonard Moseley, *Dulles,* p. 366, Bissell "was a friend of Frank Wisner, and had first met Foster [John Foster Dulles] when Eleanor threw a party at McLean for her brothers, Vice-President Nixon, Bob Bowie, and other members of the administration." I don't have the proof, but I'll bet that Cabell and Bissell and Boris Pash were very cozy, especially when Cabell was second in command under Allen Dulles. Recall that Wisner was the CIA head of the Gehlen Nazi spy group. END OF PART 29.