Date sent: Thu, 06 Jun 1996 10:27:25 -0400 To: From: Chuck Roberts Subject: alien star systems udpate

Appendix A: Star systems


RA Decl Distance(ly) Spectral
Altair 19 50 47 +08 52 06 16.3 A7V flying one
Arcturus - - - - One of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy, per Edgar Cayce.
Bellatrix 05 25 7.9 +06 20 59 303.2 B2III warrioress, Amazon star
Epsilon Eridani 03 00 00 -20 00 00 10.7 - Eridanus means "the river". Nordic aliens originally from Lyra.
Hyades - - - - Nordic aliens originally from Lyra.
Lyra 19 00 00 +40 00 00 - - "the lyre"
Milky Way center 17.8 00 00 -29 00 00 29,000 - our galaxy
Pleiades cluster - - - - "seven sisters". Nordic aliens originally from Lyra.
Sirius 06 45 08.9 -16 42 58 8.6 A1Vm scorching, Canicula, Dog Star, Aschere. Associated with Lemurians. Located in Canis Major.
Tau Ceti 02 00 00 -10 00 00 11.9 - Cetus means "the sea monster"; near NGC720?. Nordic aliens originally from Lyra.
Taygeta 03 45 12.5 +24 28 02 - B6IV -
Vega 18 36 56.3 +38 47 01 26.4 A0Va the swooping eagle, Wega, Fidis, Harp star. Nordic aliens originally from Lyra.
Zeta Reticuli 04 00 00 -60 00 00 37.0 - Reticulum means "the net"
Wolf424 - - 14 - Aka Ummites. Possible ties with Lyrans.


This is the Right Ascension of the star. The RA is based on a circle going from 0 to 24, instead of 0 to 360.


This is the declination in degrees. Positive means the star can be viewed from the northern hemisphere. Negative means southern hemisphere.


Distance is in lightyears. 1 parsec = 3.26 lightyears.

Spectral Types

First position: a letter, hottest to coolest: O, B, A, F, G, K, M.

2nd position: a number which is the subclass of the letter, 0 through 9, hottest to coolest. Our sun is a G2V.

3rd position: Roman numeral. I = supergiant, II = medium giant, III = giant, IV = average, V = normal (but called dwarf), VI = subdwarf.


These are the descriptive names of the constellation or star. Or notes about the star system.
