The Little Things
play-dough, watercolor paints,
baby dolls, bottles,
markers, crayons,
crafts, glue, glitter,
playing tea party, Candyland,
jumping rope, playing ball,
marbles, pens, paper,
Woody and Buzz,
Little Bear, Blue,
Scooby and gang,
bicycle, kitchen set,
flashlight, spiders,
cash register, blocks,
pom-poms, lego's,
macaroni and cheese, hotdogs,
jelly sandwiches, chips,
blue pillow and binki's!
Three magical words come to mind
Graeson Brooke Baker

When you remember the kicks and hiccups.
When you remember seeing an elbow here and a foot there.
When you talk, read and play music for that special tiny creature.
When you then learn fast that parenthood is just around the corner.
When the morning, afternoon, and night binges aren't very pleasant and the weight gain becomes a very hard chore.
When you drink so much, you are up every hour on the hour.
When it is finally time, and you no longer can fantasize of how it will be.
When you must learn about reality and what it may hold, it can be a hard thing to grasp.
When you hold that bundle of joy, fantasy and reality become one, and you can't distinguish between the two.
When you are in that moment and time, you just don't care about fantasy or reality, because your love and attention rests in the tiniest hands you've ever seen.

Daddy's Little Girl
Sitting in the driveway
Writing with blue chalk
With bruises on each knee
Writing as we sing and talk

Eyes fixed on the road
She hasn't been real bad
Passing the time while playing
And waiting for her dad

Well, all kids have their heroes
That is really nothing new
From Barney to Woody and Buzz
To that crazy dog, Blue

But Graeson is someone special
And her hero is the same
Her hero is a real man
And daddy is his name

A Mother and Her Daughter
When you see a mother
A mother and her daughter together
A never ending bond
A joining that lasts forever

They play together all day
Singing and writing
Only a few times a day
They seem to be fighting

They play with markers, paper and glue
And playing play dough is so much fun
The never on schedule day
Has only just begun

I love being that mom
A stay-at-home at best
Spending 24 hours a day together
Puts my patience to the test

I see what she has and can accomplish
How smart and clever she can be
I'm glad to be her mother
A daughter who's forever a part of me

My Little Lady
Watching her play with toys
Playing cards and board games
She is growing up so quickly
She even wants to change her name

A 6-year-old little lady
Who just blows me away
The expressions upon her face
The things she can do and say

It is getting harder and harder
To keep her my little girl
She is growing to be independent
Sometimes she makes my mind just swirl

She has to say something
About everything I tell her to do
The remarks she makes back
I watch her eyes so blue

I just can't believe in my life
How important one person can be
The love I feel for her
She is forever a part of me

A part of me is with her
And that is where it will stay
A place I hope she can feel safe
In her own special way

One day I will have to loosen up
This bond we have formed
But she must always remember
She was my only baby born

I want her to know and remember
That in her life she will see
Just how much love and joy
She has brought to me

7 Years of Marriage
I am going to speak the words
That my heart wants you to know,
I want you to know what you mean to me
And why I love you so

Our love is like an unfinished masterpiece
It is the best one of my life,
I just wanted to tell you
I am honored to be your wife

For telling me that I'm beautiful
And that you love me every day ,
For some how always reading my mind
And saying just what I need you to say

For getting up in the morning
And working rain, snow and shine ,
For taking such good care of us
And giving us peace of mind

For believing in me when I'm not so sure
I've made the right decision ,
For telling me that we'll make it through
And reminding me of our mission!

Our relationship with time
Has become more interesting and fun,
Our relationship has grown stronger
The fixed up me has just begun

You know we've seen a lot over the years
And you have always been true to your word,
You stayed with me when I was sick
And let the new me be heard

We have a road ahead of us
It's winding and its long ,
But the love we share, the two of us,
It's determined and it's strong

To take us to the places
That we were meant to be ,
To show Graeson everything
And how love is suppose to be seen

When I close my eyes my mind clears
And my thoughts of Grae and you run true,
Scary thoughts or loving thoughts
I have the love I need from her and you.

It is the anniversary of this day
That we joined our hearts forever,
A day we promised to each other
To spend the rest of our lives together
Poetry about Family
Waiting for Daddy
Running my fingers
Threw my hair
Waiting for you
This isn't fair

I keep looking
Where are you?
It is Saturday
It is now 2

You are late
5 hours right now
You haven't called
How, oh how?

You love me
Daddy, oh daddy
Where could you be?

My heart is breaking
My eyes are crying
You promised
You're lying

My hand is tired
My feet give way
Mom told me that
It's not daddy's Saturday!


I am sending my tears to heaven
To let you know I care
Life is still moving forward
Yet, that feeling is always there

When your face comes to mind
Whenever I hear your name
Your name wasn't one my birthday card
Life will just never be the same

Some days I swear, I hear your voice
I turn to see your face
But, when I turn to find you
Your image is erased

If I could turn back time
Once more hear your voice
Ask you all those silly questions
Guide me to make the right choice

How do I reassure Graeson
How much you loved her so
I don’t want her to feel hurt or sad
Because in the end she didn’t get to go

I would not let her see you
With the way things were
Your heart, breathing, the agony
I couldn’t do that to her

Graeson was a pappy’s girl
Hopefully as an adult she will understand
She didn’t need to watch the suffering
Seeing your face and the weakness in your hands

It was an awful experience for mom, Mary and I
To watch you lie their dying
To tell you it was alright to go
Without an outburst of crying

If only I could go back
All of the fun times we had together
School activities, parties and Graeson
Memories that will last forever

You now lie here in a garden of stone
With flowers and crosses all around
I talk to you all the time
Yet, I don’t hear a sound

One day my time will come
When my angel wings will appear
I’ll get to see your face again
But most of all, your voice I will hear

But for now, SILENCE
Message To You In Heaven

I will remember the good times
Forget all the bad
Life can be very difficult
So, I will try not to be so sad

Living life to the fullest
Doing all you wanted to do
You will be deeply missed
But, life must go on without you

Please watch down on mom
Lift her up when she is down
Help the void in her heart
With your spirit shining all around

The road ahead will be long
Not seeing you or hearing your voice
Knowing you're not in pain anymore
In the end, it was God's choice

I'm glad I held your hand
On the way to the Heaven's above
Treating me like a daughter from the start
Here is another kiss sent with unconditional love

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