November 27, 1888.

EDITOR LEDGER:- The alarm of fire was sounded on our streets last night about 1 o'clock and in the course o[f] an hour the destr[o]yer had done its work. Fire was first discovered in the store of Messrs. Herring, Marsh & Bro., on the corner, and being favored by the wind the fire soon proceeded to destroy all the houses on that street. Among the losers are Messrs. Herring, Marsh & Bro., loss about $5,000; Harrington & Bro., loss $2,000; M. L. Tayloe, loss $1,500; J. W. King, colored, restaurant keeper, loss $50; J. M. Meyers, small amount. It was almost a miracle that the stores of Messrs. A. J. Dunning & Son, Harrell & Bro. and the dwelling of Mr. J. B. Cox were saved. There was no insurance on any of the property except the store of Mr. M. L. Tayloe, who had recently insured for $1,500. The loss is estimated at about $8,000. The thanks of our people are due the citizens of the town and community for the valuable help rendered and to Captain Wrighton and others for their unceasing efforts to save Messr. Dunnings and Harrell's s[t]ores.


"Windsor Public Ledger", Benj. H. Swain, ed., Windsor, [Bertie County] N.C.
Wednesday, December 5, 1888 [Vol. IV, No. 15]

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