Explosion of Dynamite
An explosion, supposed to be dynamite, occurred at Lasker last Thursday that shook the houses of the town and was heard for miles around, but fortunately no serious damage was done. Mr. F. C. Brewer, who runs a coach and blacksmith shop started up a fire preparatory to doing some iron work when the explosion [oc]curred in the fresh coal just placed in the furnace which result[e]d in a complete wreck of that part of the shop. It is supposed there was dynamite in the coal which had been placed in it by some Spanish spy during the late war for the purpose of wrecking Uncle Sam's ships. Mr. Brew[er] wants his dealer to send him co[al] fresh from the mines next time he orders.
"The Patron and Gleaner", Andrew J. Conner, ed., Rich Square, Northampton County, N.C.
Thursday, December 22, 1898 [Vol. 7, No. 51]

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