LEWISTON, N. C. Nov. 4, '88
MR EDITOR: -- There are about three hundred people in town this morning who came to view the smouldering remains of the pricipal business portion of the town.
Fire was discovered between two and three o'clock last night at the corner of Dr. Griffin's drug store and Mr. J. P. Johnsons store, occupied by Mrs. Hodges as a millinery store. The fire spread rapidly and very soon one half of the town was in ashes; the citizens worked like trojans but were unable to stay the flames. All the business portion of Main street is now in ruins. The buildings burned were Dr. Griffin's drug store, Mr. J. P. Johnson's store, occupied by Mrs. M. F. Hodges as a millinery store, Mr. J. H. Brett's new store unoccupied, Mrs. S. Whitley's millinery store, Mr. S. Whitley's coach and furniture store and factory and shop, the shop was in possession of Mr. J. G. Bazemore. Mr. H. C. Davis' store, Mrs. Jordan's two stor[e]s, occupied by Mr. W[.] P. Mitchell and J. L. Philpott as liquor stores, Mr. Modlin's store occupied by Mr. W. H. Spivey. Mr. W. W. Clarks store occupied by Mr. Harrell as a bar room and grocery, old Bush's shoe shop, Nelson Williams' house and stores J. W. Hardy and Grizzard's store, Mr. J. W. Ballance's three stores and Lawyer Woods office; who also lost his entire legal library. A few of the merchnts saved small quantities of goo[d]s, but most of them lost their entire stocks. No dwellings were burned except Nelson Williams' and Bush Hodges' shop. No lives were lost, but several came near being too late to save themselves. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. The loss cannot be less than $40,000, but I will not attempt to enumerate the loss under the present excitement. I cannot find out the insurance. Every body in town worked hard to stay the fire, and the Postoffice was saved only by a miracle.
"Windsor Public Ledger", Benj. H. Swain, ed., Windsor, [Bertie County] N.C.
Wednesday, November 7, 1888 [Vol. IV, No. 11]

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