Pt. name:Pinkie Tuskaderro                              Admitting Physician: Dr Young blood                
58                                               DOB: 02-05-1953                                    Bed: E145
Admitting diagnosis:
bowel obstruction
Pt. ID #
777277                                                 Med Rec #: 7778277  
Wt. lbs: 143     kg:   65                       Ht.:5'7'                                     Race: C
Major Support:
family                                                                        Religion: Christian
Allergies: NKDA

Nursing Assessment
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History & Physical

Mrs._Tuskaderro_ is a _58_yr old female who presented to the ER with abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and vomitting. 
Medical History:  Pt has been hospitalized 3 times in the past 2 yrs with small bowel obstructions; hospitalizations included bowel resection x 1, hiatal hernia repair, and chronic back problems.
Current Medications:  Include frequent use of Ibuprofen OTC for back pain; also includes use of Lortab 10/500 1-2 tabs PO q 6hrs for severe pain.
History of present illness:
Mrs._Tuskaderro_ states that she has been "vomiting a whole bunch in the bast 3 hours.  There's nothing left to come up!"  She states that abdominal pain started yesterday evening after a large meal at a local restaurant.  Upon examination, her vital signs were stable; her pain level is at a "6" on a 0-10 scale.
Mentation:  Pt is alert, oriented, cognition level appropriate for age.  No history or memory loss or dementia.
ENT:  PEERLA, CNs III, IV, and VI intact. Conjunctiva clear; no JVD noted, no lymphs or s/s of thyroid issues; carotids palpable; negative for bruits.
Heart:  Heart sounds normal; no S3 or S4, no murmurs or rubs noted.  Pt denies CP or discomfort.
Lungs:  Lung fields clear in all lobes.
GU/GI:  Pt denies difficulty urinating;  bowel sounds hypoactive on ausculation; abdomen with moderate distention noted; pt states generalized pain on palpation x 4 quadrants; nausea continues; no emesis noted on examination.
Reproductive:  Pt denies pathologies of reproductive system.
Plan of Care:
CT and KUB of abdomen ordered, also an EKG. Plan to r/o small vs large bowel obstruction; will medicate for pain.  CBC and CMP ordered to r/o liver envolvement.

Dr. D. Youngblood