Pt. name:  Ricky Radarsky                            Admitting Physician:   Bruce Jones           
49                                               DOB: 09/21/671                               Bed: 243
Admitting diagnosis:
Pt. ID # 542768
                                                Med Rec #:  78543
Wt. lbs: 171    kg: 77.7                    Ht.: 6 ft                                   Race: C
Major Support:
 Family                                                                     Religion: Christian


History and Physical

Mr Radarsky is a pleasant, cooperative 49 yo male admitted with community aquired pneumonia. Reports he has been running a fever at home up to 102.8 for 3 days and has a nonproductive cough and shortnees of breath with any exertion. He reports he is usually in good health and has no other significant health history. NKDA. He takes no routine medications. Upon arrival to the ER his O2 sat on RA was 86%, RR 28, lung sounds diminished throughout all lobes. Heart rate 64 and regular. Temp. 99.9. He reports he has been nauseated and relates the nausea to frequent coughing episodes.
Mr Radarsky relocated to this area for his job about 2 weeks ago, his family is still on the east coast, preparing to join him next month.
Plan - admit for IV ABX and respiratory support as needed