Pt. name:  Carson, Sarah                         Admitting Physician:   Dr. Cane        
65                                            DOB:1/20/1948                               Bed: 244
Admitting diagnosis:
Non-small cell carcinoma, right lung, recurrent
Pt. ID # 542768
                                                Med Rec #:  78543
Wt. lbs: 114.8   kg: 52.2                 Ht.: 64 cm                                 Race: Hispanic
Major Support:
 Husband, Daughter                                                                      Religion:

Immunizations: current


Nursing Map of Care
Complete Patient Assessment
Physician Orders



Physician’s Orders

  1. Begin Morphine Sulfate 2mg. SL every four hours for pain and dyspnea.
  2. Begin breakthrough dose of Morphine Sulfate 1mg, SL hourly as needed for pain and dyspnea.
  3. Begin Colace 200mg. PO daily at hour of sleep for prevention of constipation.
  4. May use Dulcolax 10mg. suppository rectally every three days as needed for constipation.
  5. Begin supplemental O2 at 2L/minute via nasal cannula as needed for dyspnea or shortness of breath.
  6. Begin Atropine ophthalmic drops 2 drops SL every four hours as needed for increased secretions/pharyngeal rales.
  7.  May use Atrovent inhaler 2 inhalations four times daily as needed for shortness of breath.