Banner Reporting Public and Professional Projects of Bruce Knox
  by Bruce Knox  bknox @t     Oracle Database Programmer/Analyst                                                                  

              "Your first Banner Committee Meeting?"


Banner Reporting Solutions

Answering the frequent question: Which Reporting Tools to use with Banner?  




Copyright 2009      
last updated 05/24/09




Bruce Knox 2007 CES Directory Photo  News:  The current version of this site has moved to:


Tools, References, Methods, and Programmer Help for the Banner Startup is about Oracle SQL*Plus and UNIX Banner Reporting.  It mostly contains command line code or scripts written for Oracle 9i/10g most useful for control,  reporting, and business intelligence.

BannerArgos  is about Evisions'
Argos, Ad Hoc Reporting.

BannerAccess  is about MS Access Reporting.

BannerAPEX  is about Oracle Application Express Notes and Projects.

BannerScripts  is a restricted code and presentation repository that requires the scripts password.  The password is available from bknox @t

Arkansas Sales Tax and Tax Rebates Report
Approval Notices email
  Direct Deposit email
  PO Scripts
  .csv file extract example (PO Imaging Index Information)
  Batch Journal Voucher  Scripts
  Fund Table Changed Notice
  How To Create a new SQL Pass-Through Query for MS Access Reporting
  NETC 2005 Making Life Easier for Users
  Summit 2006 e~Print - Innovative Ways We Use It (includes fully automated month end reporting)
  ABUG 2006 e~Print - Innovative Ways We Use It (slightly different than the Summit presentation)
  ABUG 2006 Cingular Invoice Processing System by Mark Hubbell
  Standard Objects for BannerAccess (.mdb)
  Saved Objects for BannerAccess Class Patches (.mdb)
  Argos related objects in the scripts repository:
                                             MAPS Users for creating MAPS Accounts from Banner
  access_to_argos.shl                                     MS Access SQL to Argos Oracle SQL
  table_to_argos.sql                                         Collecting Table and Record Selection Criteria
  table_to_v_view.sql                                       Generate Oracle View Create Script
  Table Descriptions for Argos Use.txt             Extension results from table_to_argos.sql

Argos - Moving into the Community.ppt         Summit Presentation
  Argos Tech Track.ppt                                     Argos Pre-Summit
  Argos Admin and Security Track.ppt              Argos Pre-Summit
ABUG 2007 Argos - Moving into the Community (ppt)
  Argos Pre-Summit 2008 Presentation  - How your Oracle DBA or Programmer Can Improve Your Argos Reporting! (ppt)
  Banded Report Standard DataBlock and Report  - This is the Bonus Object included in the Pre-Summit 2008 (ppt)
Current Record Set or Special Views                  - This is the code to create the Oracle Views referenced in the Argos Pre-Summit 2008 (ppt)
  TN_Summit_2008_Argos-Moving_into_the_Community.ppt - TN Summit 2008 (ppt)
  How Your DBA or Database Programmer Can Improve Your Argos Reporting.ppt - TN Summit 2008 (ppt)
  Backup MAPS/Argos Server command script - Copy Argos Automated Backup to an Alternate Server
  Backup MAPS/Argos Server log example - Backup log file example
  Backup MAPS/Argos Server Check Backup - Sends email from Argos with Log File attached
  Summit 2009 - Argos - Moving into the Community (ppt)
  Argos pre-Summit 2009 - Argos - Moving Rapidly into the Community (ppt)

PL/SQL UPDATE Easy to use Logic allows selectively Updating Columns in one Table from Another.

e-mail Notices  (Simple SQL solutions for complex Banner Reporting Issues)

Oracle Dates  (Simplifying Oracle's powerful date handling functions for use with Banner)

Oracle Notes  (Collection of FoxPro to Oracle Backend Conversion Notes) 

UNIX Permissions  (Elegant but Confusing UNIX file permissions)

mail attachments  (Creating email with a text message and an attachment from standard UNIX)

Formatted Documents  (Creating Rich Text Format files from a UNIX server)

Wiki Notes  (just a brief introduction)

Banner Reporting makes up a large part of my current job.  Reporting today is done in many different ways.  While this may still include traditional paper reports or archived report images of them, increasingly, reporting is moving away from these formats.

A report today may be little more than the Subject of an email or a single screen of information.  Finally, long after promised, the industry is moving to exception reporting which has started to replace many traditional reports.

“Which Reporting Tools to use with Banner?” is perhaps the most Frequently Asked Question posed on the SunGardHE (a.k.a., SCT) Banner Listserv. 

SQL*Plus is our preferred tool for Programmer created reports or processes.  SQL*Plus is the command-line interface to Oracle and therefore is available to every Banner site.  It provides fast interactive development, the ability to readily format and paginate, and PL/SQL is always available from SQL*Plus if needed.

Other than being required for some Banner provided code, COBOL is most useful for generating reports with complex totals or control break logic.  There is nothing wrong with this enduring language other than the fact that it is not free and few new programmers are learning the language.  COBOL is compiled and SQL Code run in COBOL is much faster than the same code run in SQL*Plus.  All the problems associated with developing in a compiled language are still with COBOL.

For Banner Reporting, C is about the same as COBOL without the extensive formatting that is a built-in part of COBOL.  C's greatest advantage is that most new programmers have been introduced to it.

My Oracle programming is still mostly from command line using SQL*Plus.  SQL*Plus is powerful, easy to use and to extend.  The key to rapid development in any language is a repository of working code. 

For example, today I "coded" a rather complex new report in about ten minutes using a report program generator that I wrote once and have used dozens of times to save hundreds of hours of writing the same basic report code again and again.  In ten seconds, I had the report structure done.  Report headings, footers, pages numbered, primary in-code documentation completed.  I grabbed an organization directory table I had previously built to model our management structure, added an In-Line View created for another task giving us our state budgeting job titles from SunGard Higher Education's Banner database and it was all done but making it pretty. 

But, the real promise of database systems is giving non-IT end users powerful Ad Hoc reporting.  A promise that has been hard to realize until recently.

BannerAccess is a collection of Predefined SQL Pass-Through Queries connecting MS Access to SunGard Higher Education's Banner (Oracle) Database product.  We have successfully used BannerAccess for over seven years.  Now we are moving to replace the MS Access part of this tool with Evisions' Argos, a web based Ad hoc reporting tool.  BannerAccess will continue to be documented on the BannerAccess site since there are a number of people using that site for a reference.

I developed BannerAccess to give a simple to use Ad Hoc reporting tool to our functional end-users of Banner.  This tool used pre-defined Queries to make Banner Tables appear less daunting as well as making them easier to combine into more complex reporting objects.  BannerAccess uses SQL Pass-Through Queries to make efficient use of the underlying Oracle database in Banner.  BannerAccess is easy to use right up to the point of needing real parameters in a Pass-Through Query.  At that point one must use Visual Basic to code the parameter logic that would make the Query run efficiently.   And, that is its major shortcoming: functional users are very unlikely to ever write this Visual Basic code.

BannerArgos is my newest major programming tools project.  Using Argos instead of MS Access will enable BannerArgos to easily surpass BannerAccess in most areas.  Creating parameter based Queries in Argos are simple and I believe our functional users will make good use of them.  BannerArgos will be documented on the BannerArgos site.
Summit 2007 Session: Argos - Moving into the Community

Server Virtualization Management The openQRM Project Project Manager is an Open Source friend, Matthias Rechenburg.

openQRM is an open source systems management platform which integrates with existing components in enterprise data centers.

This is a personal site maintained by Bruce Knox ( bknox at ).

Use this information and these scripts at your own risk.
As a condition of using these scripts and information from this site, you agree to hold harmless both the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service and Bruce Knox for any problems that they may cause or other situations that may arise from their use, and that neither the Extension Service nor I will be held liable for those consequences.  The scripts and information are provided "as is" without warranty, implied or otherwise.  Limitation of liability will be the amount paid to the University of Arkansas specifically for this information. (It was free:)

Any University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture website Disclaimer terms found in conflict with terms of this disclaimer shall over ride and replace the conflicting terms found herein.

Other personal pages/sites that I maintain:
the website for the openMosix (Open Source) Project hosted on Logo.
Note:  The openMosix Project officially closed March 1, 2008.  The source code and mail lists archives will continue to be available on SourceForge as reference materials.  Archive Links are:  FAQ  HowTo  Wiki  SourceForge

Most of the works of art on my pages other than the Extension banner
Book Dragon copyright 2006 J. Wilson Spenceare used by permission of J. Wilson Spence. is my university work related site.  It is oriented to Oracle Reporting Solutions in the context of generating bespoken reports from SunGard Higher Education's Banner product. 

My personal site is            View Bruce Knox's profile on LinkedIn