Crests/DI/DUI Needed

I collect in pairs and can use either one or two of the following. Where possible, I list by ASMIC number. If you don’t have the ASMIC catalog, ignore the letter and number at the end. I mainly list approved DUI and need many variants, early issue, and local designs not approved by IOH (such as beer cans). I have all the current ASMIC references and several obsolete versions. Contact me if you have questions.

Anti Aircraft Artillery/Costal Artillery/ADA

Note: ASMIC numbers are from the 1999 CA/AAA/ADA catalog, but I have the old Arty catalogs if you use that catalog.

AAA Brigade: any 49A, 50A1, any 102A, any 103A

AAA Battalions: 4A5, 22A2, 102B2, all 108A, 110A1, 115A2, any 116A, 121A1, any 127A, 129A1, 130A1, any 132B, 135B1, 148A3, 158A1, 161A1, any 177A, 199A1, 201A1, 202B1, 209B1, 210A1, 220A1, 257A1, 308B1, 313A1, 314A1, 336A1, 337A1, 377A1, 390A1, 391A1, 400A1, 438A2, 440A1, any 445, 447A1, 448A1, 453A1, 454A1, any 474A, any 486A, 489A, 491A1, 494A1, 508B1, 537B1, 573A1, 574A1, 581A1, 598A1, 603B1, 614B1, 615B1, any 650A, 712A2 (AVOW ARDENT AVENGE), 724A1, 771A1, 776A1

AAA Commands: 14B1

AAA Groups: 14C1, 26A1, 26A2, 207B1

ADA Brigade: 678A1

Coastal Artillery: 14A1 or 14A2, 19A1, 20A1, 23A1, 53A1, any 92A, 246A1, 248A1, any 501A, 507A1, 508A1, any 510A, 511A1, any 513A, 516A1, 521A1, 522A1, 523A1, 524A1, 526A1, 527A1, 529A1, 531A1, 532A1, any 533, 534A1, 535A1, 536A1, 537A1, 539A1,540A1, 542A1, 543A1, any 545, 601A1, 603A1, 605A1, 606A1, any 607, 608A1, 615A1, 619A1, 620A1, 621A1, 622A1, 626A1, 627A1, 628A1, 903A1, 9061A, 908A1, 909A1, any 910, 913A1, 932A1, 938A1, 945A1, any 950, 955A1, 970A1, 974A1, 975A1, 976A1, 977A1

Coastal Artillery Battalions: 21A1, 264A1, 305A1, 308A1, 411A1, 430A1

Coastal Artillery Brigade: any 38A, 41B1,

Coast Defense: Narragansett Bay [any N1], New Bedford [any N2], Savannah [S2A]

NY-Phil Frontier Def Sector [X1A]

Army & Corps



Antitank Battalion: 99A1


Armored Group: 4A1, 19A1, any 304B

Armored Car Squadron: 461A1, 462A1, any 463A

Cavalry Brigade: any 51A, 52A1, 53B1, any 54A, 56A1,

Cavalry/Armored Cavalry Regiments: 26A1, 26A2, 105C1 (SEMPER PORRO), 108E1, 123A1, 301A1, 303B1 (TOUJOURS PRET ET AUDACIEUX), 304A1, any 305A, any 306A 307A1, 308A1, any 309A, 310A1, 311A2, 313A1, 314A1, 315A1, any 316A, any 317A, 318A1, 319A1, 320A1, any 321B, 323A1, 324A1

Cavalry Squadron: 1C1

Constabulary Squadron: any 10B, 71B1

Machinegun Squadron: any 1D, any 2C, 16A1/16A2 (pair), 51B1, any 55A, 56B1

Reconnaissance Battalions: 86B1, 90A1, any 93A, 111B1

Reconnaissance Company: 8B1, any 28A, 31A1, any 33B, 35B1, any 36B, 44A1, 46A1, 102B3

Reconnaissance/Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron: any 17B, 34B1 any 81B, any 91A, any 92A, 116B1, 124B1

Reconnaissance/Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop: 26D1, 66B1, 78A1, 79A1, 80A1, 91B1, 98A1, any 100A, any 102B, any 104B, any 302B,

Tank/Tank Destroyer Battalions: 8D1, any 16D, 21A1, any 36A, 48B1, 71A1, 72B1, 91C1, 133A1, 155A1, 156A1, 175A1, 176A1, 191A1, 243A1, 240A1, 242A1, 243A1, 250A1, 252B1, 318B1, 320B1, 321A1, 350A1, any 601, 605A1, 608A1, any 612A, 629A1, 631A1, 636A1, 640A1, 643A1, any 644A, 713A1, 718A1, 735A1, 741A1, 743A1, any 745, any 749A, any 750A, 751A1, any 760A, 771A1, any 776A, 801A1, any 802A, 804A1, 812A1, any 815, 817A4, 822A1, 824A1, 827A1, 893A1,

Tank Company: any 1F pair, 2D1, 6D1, 26D1, 26D2, any 27B, any 28B, 30B1, 31B1, 31B2, 32B1, 33C1, 34C1, any 37B, 38B1, 40C1, 41B1, 43B1, 77B1, any 603B

Tank/Tank Destroyer Group: 6B1, 7C1, 8C1

Artillery/Field Artillery

Note: ASMIC numbers are from the 1999 CA/AAA/ADA catalog, but I have the old Arty catalogs if you use that catalog.

Ammunition Trains: All except 1C1 (no class E or F)

Field Artillery Battalions (including Airborne, Armored, Rocket, etc.): 54A1, any 56A, any 69A, 87A1, any 99A, any 100A, any 101A4-A6, 154A1, any 155A, any 165A, 183B1, any 199A, 214A1, 215A1, 217A1, 219A1, 227A1, 228A1, 234A1, 241A1, any 256A, 260A2, any 271A, 272A1, 276A1, 280A1, 281A1, 282A1, 286A1, 293A1, any 302A, 309A1, any 310A, 311A1, any 312A, 316A1, 318A1, any 325A, any 328A, any 335A, any 338, any 348A, any 350A (FIRST NOW FIRST ALWAYS), any 351A, any 355A, 363A1, 370A1, any 372A, any 374A, any 383A, any 386A, any 389A, any 398A, any 424A, 440A1, 462A1, 464A1, 467A1, 472A2, 479A1, 489A2, 493A1, 496A1, 498A1, 505A1, 513A1, any 524A, any 526A, any 563A1, 566B1, any 569A, any 575B, 578A1, 579A1, 584A1, 600A1, any 601A (no motto), any 602A (no motto), any 609A, 625A1, 641A1, 650A1, 667A1, 669A1, 675A1, 718A1, 740A1, 747A1, 760A1, 764A1, 788A1, 809A1, 820A1, 861B1, 862B1, any 882A (ANY WHERE ANY TIME), any 913A, 914A1, 915A1, any 919A, 928A1, any 929A, 970A1, 974A1, 979A1 (VINCIMUS EOS)

Field Artillery Observation Battalion: any 2D, any 8B, 13B1, any 15B, 16B1, any 235A

Field Artillery Battery: 86C1

Field Artillery Group: 112C01

Field Artillery Regiments: 303A1, 352A1, 361A1,376A1, any 377A, 388A1, any 404A, 409A1, 411A1, 414A1, 426A1, 432A1, 436A1, 439A1, 441A1, 444A1, 455A1, 475A1, 476A1, 486A1, 487A1, any 488A, 490A1, 497A1, 565A1, 566A1, 567A1, any 570A, 571A1, 572A1, 577A1, 578A1, 579A1, 580A1, 581A, 861A1, 862A1, 865A1, 866A1


Aviation Battalions: 150A (old version with NJ crest)

Aviation Brigades: 16A 


Aviation Groups: 1108A1


Notes: This was my branch. I collect all variants and unlisted insignia. ASMIC numbers are from the 7/15 CWS catalog, but I have the older references as well.

Chemical Battalions: 2B2 (IGNI VINCEMUS), 2B6 (yellow shield), 15A2 (w/ “SERVICE”), 97A, 84A1, 256A

Chemical Brigade:  31 (DRAGON BRIGADE)

Chemical Company: 29A1, 267A1

Chemical Regiments: 304A1, 306A1, 306A2

Chemical Misc.: 1C1 Chem Avn Sqd, 242A1 Chem Det

Combat Operations Center MACV: All beer cans except 7B2 with 8 mm benzene ring (Have thicker Japan/Zadik made ones)

Chemical Replacement Training Center: CR1, CR5


Cyber Protection Brigade [C2A1]

Cyber Battalion:  11A

US Army Element, United States Cyber Command [C5A]

US Army Cyber Command [C19A1]

Army Cyber Corps Regiment [C1A1 & C1A2]

US Army Cyber School [C3A1]

US Army Reserve Cyber Protection Brigade

Division HQ

Airborne Division:  11B2

Infantry Division: 31A, 31B, 31C, 31D


Engineer Brigade: 117A

Engineer Battalions: any 22A, 25A1, 49A1, 55A1, 114, 119, 126A1, 138A1, 139A1, 156A1, 165A1, 177 (STRENGTH AND SKILL), 178A1 (NO TASK TOO GREAT), 180B1, 181A1 (TRUTH CARRIES ON), 190A1, 194A1, 224A1 (THAT THEY MAY FLY), 238A1, any 301, any 303, 306A1, any 309, any 314, any 315, 316A1, 324A1, 325, 327A1, 328A1, 336A1, 372B1 (WILL BE DONE), 375B1, 381B1, any 384A, 385B1, any 401A, 405A1, any 405B, 409A1, 411A1 (no motto – Liberty Bell), 413A1, 414A1, 420A1, any 427A, 438A1, 439A1 (LABORAMUS ET PUGNAMUS), 450A1, 453A1, 454A1, 468A1, 491A1, 537, 552, 554A1 (FACTUM EST), 578, 602A1, 603A1, 604A1, 609A1, 644A1, 654A1, 711, 753A1, 805A1, 818A1, 823A1, 830A1, 830B1, 832A1 (RES GESTAE MAGNEA ET GLORIOSAE 832), 833A1, 836A1, 839A1, 847A1, 849A1, any 851A, 852A1, 853, 855A1, 860A1, 866A1, 873A1, 879A1, 882A1, 974A1, 989A1, 998A2, 1001A1, 1343A1, 1401B1 (VICTORIA OPERA ET ARMIS), 1697A1

Engineer Companies: 55, 67A1, 76B1, 103B1, 173, 175, 275A1, 497, any 500A, 509A1, 511B1, 512, 569A1, 576A, 576A1, 585, 619A1, 621A1, 630A1, 695A1, 731, 969B1, 1015A1, 1019A1, 7826A1, 8038A1

Engineer Groups: 19B1, 37B1, 79B2, 135B1, 159A2, 1179A1

Engineer Regiments: 14, 48A1, 312, 341A1, 342A1, 344A1, 345A1, 346, 349A1, 351A1, 355A1, 361A1, 363, 372, 373A1, 375A1, 376A1, 379A1, 381A1, 385A1, 386A1, 1301

Engineer Squadron: 12A1, 402A1


Note: ASMIC numbers are from new (2014+) Inf catalog.  I have the old (1986-87) ASMIC Inf catalog and can cross reference.

Infantry/Armored Infantry Battalion: 1D1, 49A1, 56A1, 95A1, 99A1 (SAY WHEN)

Infantry Brigade: 21B, 60C1, 62A1, 63B1, 64A1, 65B1, any 66B, 67B1 (Iowa series), any 68A, any 69B, any 73A (Ohio series), 75E1, 76A1 (38 Div Series), 170C1

Infantry Regiments: 42A1, 45A1, 134C (MAHPIYA ETANHAN), 228A2, 253A1, any 308A, 316A1, any 324A, 326A1, any 328A, 341A1, 342A1, 343A1, 344A1, 352A1, 366A1, 373A1, 380A1, 384A1, 386A1, 387A1, 388A1, 396A1, 401A1, 402A1, 403A1, 404A1, 406A1 (SB, ROB), 408A1, 412A1, 419A1, 420A1, 422A1, any 425A (I WILL), 426A1 (NIL DESPERANDUM), 428A1

Major Commands/ Miscellaneous/Miscellaneous Commands/Named Commands

Note: Under construction - need a lot more than the ones listed here

Information Operations: 151 BN, 152A GP, 302A BN, 304A1 BN

Multi-Domain Effects Battalion: 1A, 2

Multi-Domain Task Force:  2 [M35A], 3

Security Force Assistance Brigade: 54A

US Army Aviation and Troop Command [A16]

U.S. Army Element, Combined Joint Interagency Task Force 435 [C20A1]

US Army Element, National Guard Bureau [N4A]

U.S. Army Element, United States Forces Japan

USAE, United States Space Command [S3A]

USAE, Special Operations Joint Task Force, Operation Inherent Resolve [S22A1]

US Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization [S30A1]

White House Communications Agency, US Army Element 


Defense Health Agency

Medical Battalion: 54A, 55B, 61A, 74A, 81, 117A, 117B, any 303, 306A, 308A, 310A, 311A, 313A, 314A, 315A, 316A, 317A, 318A, 319A, 322A, 323A, 325A, 326A, 327, 369, 371

Regional Medical Command: Pacific [P2A1],

Dental Laboratory: US Army [A6A], Walter Reed Medical Center [W4]

DENTAC: Bad Cannstatt [B5], Frankfurt [F44], Nuernberg [N2], Vicenza (102nd MED DET) [V4],

Dental Health Activity: Alaska [A7A1], Atlantic [A8A1], Fort Benning F4B1], Fort Bliss [F35B1], Fort Bragg [F5B1], Fort Drum [F9D1], Fort Eustis [F10B1], Fort Hood [F12B], Fort Hood [F12B2], Fort Leonard Wood [F30B1], Fort Lewis [F37B1], Fort Knox [F16B1], Fort Polk [F25B1], Fort Sam Houston [F41B1], Fort Stewart [F34B1], Hawaii [H3A1], Italy [I1A1], Japan [J2A1], Korea [K1A1], Rheinland-Pfalz, West Point [W5A1]

Dental Health Command: Central [C1A], Europe, Pacific

Medical Detachments: 26A, 26B, 27B/C/D, 28A, 30B, 32B, 33A, 34C, 34E1, 37B, 38A, 42A. 77B

MEDDAC: Korea [K2A – VICTORY THROUGH HEALTH], Sierra Army Depot [S2]

Combat Support Hospital: 51, 136B (PRO VITA)

Evacuation Hospital: 3C, 14A, 36D, 37C,

Field Hospital: 17B, 300A, 311B,

General Hospital: 4D, 11D, 19A, 307D, 311D, 320C, 332,

Hospital Center: 16A, 29A, 374A, 380A, 519A, 805A, 806A

Station Hospital: 100A,

Surgical Hospital: 29, 47C,

US Army Hospital: 3273A, 3344A,

Medical Regiment: 12A, 17A, 64A, 69A, 326A, 346A, 348A, 350A, 363A, 364A, 368A, 369A, 371A, 372A, 374A

U.S. Army Medical Logistics Command [M8A]


Battlefield Surveillance Brigade: 71A1, 259A (listed as group), 560A1 (arrow points right)

Military Intelligence Battalion: 389A, 636A (was 649A1), 638A, 641A/A1, 782

Military Intelligence Company: 5250A

Military Intelligence Group: 259A, 713A,

Any 6860th HQ (T Force) Detachment

Counter Intelligence Corps Japan [C6]

Counter Intelligence Corps School - any

Foreign Intelligence Command [F8]

US Army Pacific Intelligence School I10

Military Intelligence Service Language School [L5 or L5A]


Military Police Brigade: 8A, 35C, 142A

Military Police Battalion: 5B, any 90, any 98, 131, 136A, 143B1 (PROTECT WITH HONOR), 149B, 165B1 (STRENGTH THROUGH JUSTICE), 177, 302, 308A, 309A, 380A, 390A1, 391B, 604A (RETURN THE MAN WITH HONOR), 702A, 707A, 710, 711A, 719A, 722A, any 723, 725, 729A, any 738, 747, 750, 751A, 757A, 772A, any 774, 799A, 941

Military Police Camp (POW): 403A

Military Police Company: 26A, 26B, 27A, 27E, 28A, 29A/A1, 30A, 32A, 33A, 34A, 37A, 42B, 49A, 77A

Military Police Group: 50A

Ordnance &Maintenance

Maintenance Battalion: 3F or 3G, 206A, 783A,

Ordnance Battalion: 30B/C, 42A (FORTIS VALORE ET ARMIS), 77A, 134A, 157A (PRIMED TO WIN), 334A, 404A, 791A, 804A,

Ordnance Company: 27, 39B, 57B, 58A, 67C, 74A, 78A, 82B/C, 94A, 101C, 102A, 104A, 113A, 115A, 302C, 512A, 529A, 570A/B, 800A, 972A

Ordnance Depot: Fontenet [F1], Philadelphia [P1]

Ordnance Group: 48A, 51B, 52A (ALL FOR MATERIAL FOR ALL)

Ordnance Troop: 1

Personnel Related

Adjutant General Battalion: 39A1, 95A1

All numbered bands except: 1E2, 31A1

Finance Group: 469A1,

US Army Finance and Accounting Center [F2A & F2B]

Military Postal Service Agency [M35A]

Office of Special Trial Counsel

Personnel Group: 348A1

Personnel Service Battalion: 149A1, 203A1, 941A1

Replacement Company: 44A1

Service Unit: 1851A1

Quartermaster & Support

Quartermaster Battalion: 69A, 217A, 332A, 342B1, 404A, 405A, 410A, 411A, 420A1, 428A, 485B1, 856A

Quartermaster Group: 165B, 239A, 354A, 474A

Quartermaster Regiment: 24A, 105A, 107A

Supply & Service Battalion: 346A, 532A, 721A,

Supply & Transportation Battalion: 90A

Support Brigade: 414B1, 418A1, 419E1

Support Battalion: 30B, 63A/63C (VEHICULUM VICTORIAE), 77B, 90A, 106D1 (no canton w/ blue saltire), 139B1, 152A1, 153A1, 177A, 190A1 (new style), 191A, 259A, 348A1, 405B1, 494A, 497A, 520A, 786A, 903A, 918A1, 920A1, 922A1, 925A1, 1163A, 1347

Support Group: 103G, 163A, 173D, 191B1, 198A1, 227A, 272A1, 297C, 357B, 375A, 644A1, 652A1, 658

Sustainment Brigade: 113C1 & 113C2 (left & right)

Sustainment Command: 451A1

US Army Field Support Center


Signal Company: 26D/D1, 27A, 27B, 28A, 30B, 31A, 33B, 34B, 35B, 37A, 38A, 41B, 42A, 44A, 77A, 249B

Signal Battalion: any 23A, any 71A, any 96A (no motto, horse & rider), 136C1 (VOICE OF THE BATTLEFIELD), 156A1 (SIGNAL SENTINELS), any 185A, 204A, 248A, 850A

US Army Element, Joint Communications Unit [J1A1]

Special Operations & Civil Affairs

Civil Affairs Brigades: 363A1

Civil Affairs Battalions: 83A1, 436A1, 440A1, 442 (?),

Civil Affairs Misc.: 2B1 Company, 9A1 (9th ID Civ Aff Sect), C4A (Camp Courage), any C5 (CORDS III CTZ), any C6 (CORDS-PDS), any E1 (EUCOM CIV AFF),

Military Government: any 2A Regt, any K1 (KANAGAWA), M5A (HESSE), M6A (SHIKOKU), any N1 (NUREMBERG), any P1 (Phoenix Prog CORDS)

Ranger: 1F1 CO, 6B1 BN

USAE, Special Operations Joint Task Force, Operation Inherent Resolve [S22A1]

Psychological Operations: 2C2 GP, 4A6 GP, 7B2 or 7B3 GP, 246A1 CO,

Special Troops Battalions

ST38A1 (38th INF DIV)

ST40A (40th INF DIV)

ST50A (50th INF BCT) – was ST4250A

ST1012A (2d BDE/101ST DIV) first motto ONE TEAM ONE FIGHT

State Guard (K&M 2014 Catalog based on Duke)

Need many, just starting to build

NY SG BDE: 1L1, 2J1, 3F, 4E1

NY SG Regt: 12B1, 15A, 17, 21B, 69A, 71A, 88A1

Training & School

Regiment (listed in Training catalog): 139A, 203, 215B, 298A1, 515A

Regiment (listed in Infantry catalog): 350A19, 357A8, 364A2

Simulation, Training and Instrumentation Command [S6]


Transportation Battalion: 22A, 66A, 67A, 83A, 103A, 138A, 173B (motto = WE PROUDLY PROVIDE), 182A, 196A, 228A, 392A, 416A, 436A, 446A1, 450A1, 453A, 470A, 532A, 602A, 712A, 722A, 750A, 760A, 829

Transportation Group: 2B, 68B, 500A

Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (M1A1)

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