Russian Badges and Insignia

The following were produced after the fall of the Soviet Union (1991).

Russian Jubilee Medals

50th Anniversary of WWII – Unissued in sealed plastic - $3.00

Soviet Badges and Insignia

All of the following were made prior to the fall of the Soviet Union (1991) even though some were produced in advance for celebration of anniversaries scheduled for 1992.

Soviet Badges

Army Proficiency 2nd Class - $2.00 

Officers Specialist 3rd Class - $4.00

Parachutist, Basic + hanger with 1/2 - $7.00

Parachute Instructor badges, 100 + hanger with 10/20 - $7.00

Parachute Instructor badges (metal): 200 +10/20, 300 +10/20, 400 +10/20, 500 +10/20 – trade only

Space Troops qualification badge: 1st Class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class, Master – trade only


Soviet Collar/Epaulet Branch Insignia

The following unissued branch insignia are available for.

Armor - $1 per pair, 20 pair for $10

Artillery - $1 per pair, 20 pair for $10

Motor Transport - $1 per pair, 20 pair for $10

Motorized Rifle - $1 per pair, 20 pair for $10

Rank Star - $1 per pair, 20 pair for $10

Collar backing - $1 per pair

Soviet Branch Patches

I need all officer patches (sewn) plus enlisted (vinyl on felt) for topography.

The following Soviet branch patches are available for $0.50 each or 20 for $5.

Engineer, Signal

The following Soviet branch patches are available for trade only.

Airborne, Air Force/Aviation, KGB Border Guards, Military Band, Motorized Rifle (Mechanized Infantry)

Soviet Jubilee Medals

60th Anniversary of the Soviet Military - $4.00 mint or $2.50 with wear/discoloration

70th Anniversary of the Soviet Military -

Lenin Centenary


Soviet Orders

Order Badge of Honor (silver)
Order of the Patriotic War 1st Class (silver)
Order of the Patriotic War 2nd Class (silver)
Order of the Red Star (silver) 

 Soviet Ribbons

Order Badge of Honor (silver)

Other Soviet Pins

Komsomol (Young Communist) type I - $0.50 or 20 for $5.00

Komsomol (Young Communist) type II - $0.50 or 20 for $5.00

50th Anniversary of Balkan Invasion -$0.50 or 20 for $5.00

70th Anniversary of the KGB -$1.00

 Soviet Military School Year Stripes (Cadet)

Blue Background: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 - $0.10 per stripe

Red Background: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - $0.10 per stripe, 1 stripe only @ 20 for $1.00


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Last Revised: 30 June 2008