“Chip” Peterson , Candidate for Texas District 19 Congress CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND PERSONAL FREEDOMS 1. For the U.S.
Constitution and the Constitution’s Bill of Rights–including rights of
freedom of religion, speech, the press, and peaceable assembly; the right to
keep and bear arms; the right of people to be secure in their homes, papers, and
personal possessions unless a proper search warrant is authorized based on
probable cause; the right to not be deprived of life, liberty or property
without due process; the right to trial by jury and to confront their accusers
and to not be forced to testify against oneself, and to not have property taken
for public use without just compensation; the right to not be subjected to
excessive bail or to cruel or unusual punishments. In addition, I support the
Constitution’s provision that the powers of the federal government are limited
to those specifically given to it by the constitution and that all other rights
are reserved to the people or to the states unless the constitution expressly
prohibits them. 2. Against a mandatory
“National Service” requirement for young people or resumption of the draft. 3. Against a National ID card
or its equivalent, that could be used to limit personal travel or access to
financial services, as occurs in some Communist countries. 4. Against the provisions of
the misnamed “Patriot Act” that violate our constitutional rights by (i)
bypassing regular courts and standards of “probable cause” before obtaining
search warrants, (ii) allow law enforcement agents to “sneak” into a
person’s home or business, “and peak” at all their computer and personal
records and personal effects and not have to let people know they were there for
up to 90 days, (iii) can send librarians and financial service providers to jail
for talking about investigations into their records, etc.. This act will come up
for renewal next year and the ACLU has identified numerous unconstitutional
provisions that should be eliminated. 5. Against “forfeiture
laws” that allow a person’s property to be seized without “due
process’” as required by our Constitution’s fourth amendment. 6. Against violations of states
rights under the Tenth Amendment to establish their own laws without the Federal
government prosecuting people who have complied with the states law in that
state. TAXES 1. For simpler taxes with lower marginal tax rates. A flat
income tax rate of 20% or less with a large exemption–possibly as much as
$30,000 or more for a family if all special interest tax breaks were deleted. 2. Against renewal of the
estate tax once it expires–as the estate tax implicitly assumes that all
property belongs to the government, so the government therefore has the right to
seize nearly half of what someone has just because they died. That policy is not
appropriate since our country guarantees its citizens the right to own private
property. 3. Against a national sales tax
as it would just be added to an income tax and would have too many exemptions,
so rates would be too high and evasion rife. SPENDING AND REGULATION 1. Against wasteful spending 2. Against “earmarked”
spending and other spending that breaks budget constraints without
justification. 3. For proposals advanced by
“Citizens Against Government Waste” to cut unnecessary or wasteful
government spending. Also, for “zero-based budgeting” where every expenditure must be justified each year and not
automatically reauthorized–just because it was authorized in previous years.
In addition, for sunset provisions to eliminate government programs and
bureaucracies periodically unless they are specifically reauthorized. 4. For less extensive and
heavy-handed government regulation. For limiting the number of regulations that
can be written by each agency either in number or to the amount of previous
regulations eliminated. 5. For limiting the number of
new laws passed in a session to the number of old laws cancelled, and the number
of new agencies established to the number of old agencies cancelled. SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE 1. For an honest approach to solving
the nations’s social security problem–which will involve personal security
accounts and future increases in normal (not “early”) retirement ages. 2. For adoption of uniform
posted prices for medical services, with insurance or Medicare paying a
percentage of that price, but not 100%, so people will have an incentive to shop
for cost efficient healthcare. 3. For allowing people to buy
prescription drugs from any country that ensures their safety (That would
effectively eliminate price discrimination between countries so drug prices
would tend to equalize between countries and
U.S. citizens would not have to bear the full costs of drug research and
development needed to insure drug safety). In fact, people should also be
allowed to buy nonprescription drugs that have no safety guarantees, provided
that they know that they are doing so
at their own risk. |
Email Chip with any questions. Richard Peterson Campaign, Richard Peterson treasurer |