Talk on Economic Misperceptions, March 2011 Economic Misperceptions Promoted by Various Political Groups Topics for a talk to Texas Tech Young Republicans, March 2, 2011 Richard L. Peterson, PhD, (Finance) Professor Emeritus, Texas Tech University email: cpeterson35@suddenlink.net Website: www.chippeterson.com see the statements page for elaboration on some topics
I want to briefly consider some popular economic misperceptions advanced
by either the political left or the political right. On the political left, many
people and their followers in the national media believe that profits are bad
and non-profit institutions including the government are inherently good. The
left also tends to believe that corporations are inherently bad. On the right,
many people believe that a gold standard is preferable to our Federal Reserve,
which clearly has not done its job of preventing inflation. Others believe,
dangerously as I will point out, that a federal balanced budget requirement is
necessary to restore fiscal solvency and economic health in the country. Profits
vs. Non-profits (for details see my website “statements”) Profit
Pros and Cons—Profits
only occur when a producer can purchase labor and resources for a price better
than their best alternative use and use those resources to produce goods and
services that he or she can sell for more money that the cost of the resources
purchased. Thus, the producer earns profits by adding value to our economies'
resources. Because of profits, the producer may expand and produce more of the
desired goods and services; furthermore other producers will be attracted to
produce similar goods and services so they can earn profits also. Thus,
production of goods that people value highly will automatically tend to expand
as people seek to make profits. Conversely, when a producer must pay more for
the resources and labor he or she employs than he or she will receive by selling
the produced goods and services, he will incur negative profits(losses). At that
point the producer must either learn to produce by using purchased resources
more efficiently and cutting costs, or he or she must go out of business and
free up the national resources for other potential uses. That, too, helps the
economy use resources more efficiently and promotes economic growth. In contrast
to profit-seeking institutions, non-profit institutions that incur losses have
little incentive to cut salaries and work more efficiently. Instead they tend to
ask their donors or taxpayers for more money so they can do their jobs better.
However, without profits, there is little incentive to make sure they use their
resources effectively, don't pay their executives or civil servants too much,
and don't provide their employees with too many perquisites. While many
non-profit institutions perform very well, there is no automatic incentive for
them to use resources efficiently as there is with profit making entities.
The main con regarding profit-seeking organizations is that they often
beseech government agencies or politicians to provide them with benefits or
monopoly powers to enhance their profits. This political rent-seeking can cause
sections of our economy to operate inefficiently as subsidies are provided to
the politically connected at the expense of consumers or taxpayers in general
(see my statement on how government created the great recession and isn't
solving it, in part because the big Wall Street firms and banks have showered
the President and Congress with bags of money to get favorable legislation). Pros
and Cons of Corporations: Corporations
provide a valuable service for the cause of economic growth because they have
“infinite” lives and thus can engage in long-term research and investment
projects that may pay off over many years, and are not constrained to pay off
within one individual's lifespan. In addition, because of their potential
longevity and long-lived assets, they can attract and employ large pools of
capital to invest in potentially profitable projects, and their investors can
count on obtaining potential returns over an extended period of time. An
individual investor would typically have more difficulty obtaining large amounts
of capital for an extended period since human lives are finite. As a “con”
however, in the absence of effective controls on their behavior, the
managers of corporations may use them for personal gain instead of
repaying the debtors and investors in the corporation.
Furthermore, unscrupulous people may be able to hide behind the corporate
veil and anonymously commit acts that they would be prosecuted for if they were
to do them as individuals. The potential “cons” in these cases all involve
the acts of unscrupulous people who do things that they wouldn't be able to do
easily as individuals—not unscrupulous corporations per se. In my experience,
while some corporate managers may be unscrupulous or self-serving, most are fine
people who have risen to the top of their corporations because they are
competent and trustworthy. Unfortunately, the national media, in its service to
the labor union interests of the left, tends to focus on the deficiencies and
wrong-doings of corporate leaders and ignores the economic benefits they
provide. Pros
and Cons on the Federal Reserve vs. the Gold Standard
The Federal Reserve was authorized by Congress in late 1913. Since then,
the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen by at least 95%. Clearly, the
Federal Reserve has not achieved its supposed objective of keeping the dollar
value stable. In contrast, before the Federal Reserve was formed, the U.S. was
basically on the Gold Standard, with the dollar backed by gold, and inflation
over time tended to be minimal. Thus, many people want to return to the Gold
standard—the last vestige of which was abandoned by Nixon in 1971. However,
there are problems with a gold standard. First, it is cumbersome to contract in
gold rather than in electronic money. Second, when the gold standard applied,
the value of the dollar was stable over time but varied widely from year to year
as the economy incurred numerous severe recessions, as growth in the economy
caused periodic money shortages. Third, adopting a gold standard would enhance
the wealth of countries that held gold—such as Russia, Canada, and South
Africa, not all of whom are our friends. The big problem with the Federal
Reserve is that in the absence of a Gold Standard, it can create as much money
as it wishes by “fiat.” Milton Friedman, a famous Libertarian leaning
economist, suggested that the Fed be constrained to increase fiat money by no
more than 3% per year—a rate that should accommodate most economic growth with
out causing inflation or money shortages. Others have proposed that the dollar
value be pegged to market prices—either for a certain basket of real goods or
for price indexes in general (the problem with general price indexes is that
they are compiled by the government who may bias the compilation at times,
whereas market prices for most real goods are readily available at almost all
times). Personally, I favor any approach that would not allow the Fed to
increase the money supply (i.e., the monetary base—which is what the Fed
really controls) at its discretion, like it is doing now. By letting the Fed
have a “dual mandate” to control both prices and unemployment, Congress has
effectively let the Fed do whatever it wants. It switches from expanding money
rapidly saying it is worried about unemployment to contracting money when it
says (too late, usually) that it must control the emerging inflation that has
resulted from its past monetary stimulus. The Fed has only one tool (monetary
policy) and those who know math know that you can only solve for one unknown
when you have one equation. Congress
needs to require that the Fed control the rate of inflation, period, and make
provisions to fire the Fed members , like New Zealand has, if inflation gets out
of control. The Fed does provide some value in allowing for the creation of
electronic money that can be created, used, and cleared at little cost—but, in
the past and over time, it has harmed the economy by expanding or contracting
the monetary base at its own discretion, in part because it says it is following
its “dual mandate.” Pros
and Cons on a Balanced Budget and a Proposed Amendment
At the moment this issue is very pertinent, and I urge you to immediately
call, write, wire, or otherwise contact you state representatives and tell them
to vote no on the proposed balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution,
Not only is that amendment a bad idea, and I'll tell you why, but also, if a
Constitutional Convention were convened, people could end up trashing our
nation's Constitution—which is what has made our nation exceptional over the
years. It is bad enough to have a President, several members of the Supreme
Court, and many Congressmen who want to ignore our Constitution because it
limits their power and authority. However, that is its intent. Our founding
fathers were very experienced in government—having run local governments both
under the British and in the first years after the American Revolution—and
wise in the ways of men. Thus, they created a system of checks and balances in
our Constitution to protect citizens from the potential abuse of power by their
political “leaders.” Our leaders would like nothing better than to remove
those constitutional limits on their authority so they could potentially
exercise more dictatorial control over our lives. Thus, it is essential that we
not convene a Constitutional Convention where they might be able to do so.
Now, as to the pros and cons of a balanced budget amendment,
per se. First, while a balanced budget is wise for individuals, it is not
necessarily wise for a government. Economic cycles always will exist. In a
downturn incomes and tax revenues will tend to fall. Under a balanced budget
requirement, a government would have to cut spending when taxes fell, thereby
making the downturn worse. Loopholes to prevent this problem, such as by letting
the government run a deficit if the unemployment rate exceeded a certain level,
might be exploited constantly (remember, the government calculates the
unemployment rate, and the “full employment” level is debatable anyway) so
the budget might remain unbalanced. Second, it appears that the “right” has
been suckered by the “left” in promoting a balanced budget. The left would
like nothing better than a periodic excuse to raise taxes (to “balance the
budget”) rather than cut government spending. Raising taxes is easier for a
Congressman (especially one who says it is absolutely necessary to do so in
order to balance the budget) than
cutting favors or spending granted to favored constituents who might complain
about the loss—and not vote for or fund the Congressman in the future. Since
the left wants the government to exercise ever-expanding control over peoples'
lives and the economy, what better way to do so than to get conservative
Congressmen to go along with their tax-raising plans.
Third, while we have a problem in that the government spends too much,
the problem is not the deficit but total government spending. Studies in Europe
show that the countries where government spending is a higher percentage of
total GDP tend to grow less rapidly than countries where government claims a
lower percentage of national resources. These studies are based on total
government spending, not deficits per se. Thus, it is clear that the big problem
is excessive government spending, not deficits, per se. What we need is a law
that limits total government spending. For many years, even under Bill Clinton's
presidency, the federal government spent no more than 19% of our total national
income (GDP). Under Bush2 and now Obama, federal government spending has grown
to exceed 25% of GDP. Rather than pass a balanced budget amendment, Congress
needs to pass a law to ensure that total spending not exceed 20% of GDP except
in the possible case of a declared war that threatens our country (Congress
hasn't had the guts to do its Constitutional duty and declare war since world
war II). Finally, to help keep the budget in balance over time, Congress needs
to require that the federal government use the same accounting procedures as it
requires that private companies use--particularly regarding the treatment of
future federal pensions, social security, and
medicare costs that may impact the government. It needs to stop hiding
the actuarial insolvency of all these programs so that future liabilities of the
federal government can be taken into account before they become overwhelming, as
they presently are about to do. |
Email Chip with any questions., Chippete@aol.com Richard Peterson Campaign, Richard Peterson treasurer |