RIVER BENDER - December,  2000

By Dave Wallace

The River Bend e-mail list continues to grow and is currently at 258 members. We lost about 10 members that got cold feet during the KAK virus scare a few months ago but they have since been replaced with new members.

Can't send mail to RBmail? Here's why

Al Kish and I run the River Bend e-mail list referred to as RBmail. It is a closed list. Only members can send e-mail to rbmail@cconnect.net. This sometimes causes a problem for people sending e-mail because they forget to send it from the address they registered with at RBmail. For example, if one registered as joe@cconnect.net and tries sending mail from joe@yahoo.com their message will be rejected.

Putting RBmail in your address book is bad

An error that some residents are still making after repeated warnings is entering rbmail@cconnect.net in their e-mail address book. This is definitely a no no because a virus can access one's address book and send itself to everybody listed. This happened once to a resident without his knowledge and everybody in town received the virus. Fortunately most anti-virus programs picked it up and everyone was warned not to open the infected attachment. It won't happen again if people will simply type in rbmail@cconnect.net in the message header and remove it from their address book. rbmail@cconnect.net is not too hard to remember.

Invalid Address - Don't resend

If you send a message to RBmail and get an error message that says that one of the addresses is invalid please don't resend your message. Wait a few minutes and check incoming mail. If your copy of the message arrives you can be assured that everyone else got a copy. Forward the error message to me at cn1027@coastalnet.com so I can check out the problem. This occurs when a person changes his ISP or moves out of town without notifying us.

Take me off the list

Speaking of notifying, if you would like to be taken off RBmail please don't call Carolina Connections who hosts the list. When they remove you we are not notified, which makes it difficult to determine who is missing on our master list. Instead call Al Kish or myself or send a message. Also please don't broadcast your request to be removed to all River Benders unless you really think they care that you're leaving.

When RBmail goes hyper

Periodically RBmail goes hyper when someone sends out a message that others don't like. Recipients then fire away by sending their complaints to all River Benders and before you know it everybody seems to be annoyed. Al Kish and I receive requests from residents that can't stand the bickering and either ask to be removed from the list or ask us to remove the offenders. Folks, I'll repeat it once more. The River Bend e-mail list is not a moderated list. We have no rules or a policeman. It will remain that way unless it gets totally out of hand, which is not likely in a nice town like River Bend or unless somebody steps forward and wants to run the list differently.

Don't forward everything to RBmail

Think twice before forwarding mail to 258 residents. Is the message true? Check it out. If you have access to the Internet and haven't learned yet how to use search engines to check out hoaxes and warnings you probably shouldn't be forwarding everything that arrives in your inbox..

Please, no flaming

If you receive a message that annoys you the easiest thing to do is delete it. Most of us learned long ago especially on advertisements that if you get mad and ask to be removed all it does is confirm that you are alive and well and you get more ads. If you really have to sound off to a River Bend resident that annoys you send him a message instead of to all residents unless you think everybody is interested in your peeves. Try to be nice. Don't send flaming messages.

Hey, add me to the River Bend e-mail list

Want to get on the River Bend e-mail list? No problem if you live in River Bend, own property here, or you're a town employee or official or an ex-resident. Just call Dave Wallace at 638-7077 or Al Kish at 638-5487. We'll need your name, address, phone and e-mail address. You'll receive a confirmation message with information and a list of all members. By the way, River Bend's web page is at http://www.ci.river-bend.nc.us/