RBmail Annoyances

By Dave Wallace - RIVER BENDER - July, 2011


I started RBmail in 1997 and managed it for 10 years until it reached 500 addresses when I turned it over to Councilman Charlie Sharpe. He managed it for 3 years and finally turned it over to Lonnie Dow. The list currently has 506 members so growth has apparently subsided. One might think we'd have lots of savvy email members by now with such a mature list but new members keep appearing as old ones drop off so I suppose we'll always have email annoyances. Let's discuss a few:

1. If you're going to forward everything you receive because you really think we're all interested, for heaven's sake please learn how to clean out all the forwarding addresses and comments. Most folks have learned how to do this and so should you.

2. Don't send a website address without a clue what it is. A sentence or two would be helpful. One should never click on a website that you don't know who sent it or what it is. Could be a virus.

3. Probably the most annoying thing on RBmail is receiving forwarded mail that is patently false. If you don't know how to put in a few key words in Google or Bing to check out the validity of what you're sending don't send it. The more sensational and exaggerated it is the more likely it will be misinformation. If you keep sending such mail just because you like what it says pretty soon folks will not consider anything you send as credible and block your mail.

4. Why is your mail unsigned? We might figure who you are from your email address but not if it's a weird address. Why not sign it with your first and last name so we all know who you are, unless you're on a wanted list?

5. You sent a message which said you want confirmation that the recipient received it. Do you really want 500 people on RBmail to confirm it?

6. Everybody has opinions. If you're going to send yours to 500 people you should at least make sure the spelling and punctuation is correct, otherwise folks may get a poor impression and your opinion ignored.

7. As you know, or should know, RBmail is not a moderated list and there is no censorship. The River Bend website has suggestions on what not to send but no rules exist other than to use common sense and respect your neighbors. Why is that so hard for some to accept? Why do a few people berate their neighbors? Disagree but do it nicely. Don't be a bore.

8. Most folks seem to have finally learned how to reduce photos to get under the 600Kbyte limit on RBmail. If you still don't know how, try right-clicking on the file and select 'Open With' followed by 'MS Paint.' Select 'Image' followed by 'Stretch/Skew' and enter the percentage you wish the photo to be reduced. Save it as a different name to retain the original.

In conclusion, I think RBmail has done more than anything I'm aware of to bring River Benders together. Over the years, we've all met folks that we probably never would have met otherwise. You used RBmail to sell your furniture, buy a boat, find your cat, sell your car, express political views and get recommendations for a plumber, roofer, tree cutter and PC help. The list of plusses goes on and on. Most of us are polite to one another on RBmail and I hope it stays that way. Please don't ruin a good thing. Be nice to your neighbors.

All past River Bender articles are at http://pages.suddenlink.net/davew/dwindex.htm