Capturing audio in web videos

RIVER BENDER - June,  2009

A lot of folks probably don't even know they have a sound recorder as part of Windows. It has existed all the way from Windows 3.1 to Vista but differs somewhat between versions. It's very simple to use and can record music on videos that you bring up on the web. The recording will be saved as a .wav file around 3-5mB with good CD quality. For a detailed description of the Sound Recorder see Wikipedia at

By the way, I don't suggest dial-up members use the recorder on a video because the video will probably not play smoothly at the slower download speed. I think one should have a broadband connection of at least 1 mb/s speed.

Put a sound recorder icon on your desktop

The procedure is to have the recorder and the video both showing on your screen so you can start the recorder and play the video at the same time. I suggest you begin by putting a recorder icon on your desktop for quick access. For Windows XP go to Start/Programs/Applications/Entertainment/Sound Recorder and right-click on the recorder and select Send To followed by Desktop(Shortcut).

How to record a video song

OK, now go online and find a video and record the music track. In Google, set your search option to Video and enter the name of a popular song you'd like to record. Try my favorite "You light up my life" and you'll find Debby Boone singing it at Once it displays reduce the size by clicking on the "restore down" button (middle one at top-right) and drag the right border if necessary so you can see the Sound Recorder icon. Click on the recorder and it will open. You are now seeing both the video and the recorder so all you need to do is click on the red circle to start the recorder and quickly click on the video to play.

Recording longer than 60 seconds

But there is one little problem since the recorder by default only records 60 seconds. But here's a trick that solves the problem: While recording, have your mouse cursor hovering on the record button and when you see 60 seconds about up on the slide bar be ready to click the record button back on when it turns red and you won't miss a beat. Keep doing this to the end of the song. As soon as it's finished hit the stop button (square) and click File/Save As and give the file a name and a location to be saved. You now have a .wav recording which by clicking on the filename will play in the Windows Media Player.

Editing your recording

You can edit the .wav recording in the Sound Recorder by clicking on File/Open and going to where you saved it. You might want to delete someone introducing the song or perhaps the applause and comments at the end. You do this by playing the .wav file in the recorder and stopping where you want a change to occur. Then click on Edit and either click on Delete after present position or Delete before present position. Don't forget File/Save to save the change.