What, you've never heard of RBmail?


RBmail has been around for several years and has 378 members and is still growing. Despite its popularity it's surprising to find that many River Benders have never heard of it. When they do get the word it's usually from a neighbor who suggests they use RBmail for such things as announcing a yard sale, selling golf clubs or finding their lost dog. This article is for those residents who would like to hear about a new way to communicate in River Bend. As a matter of fact there are still those that don't even know that River Bend has a web page at http://www.ci.river-bend.nc.us/.

What is RBmail? It's a free broadcast e-mail network that permits a member to send a message to all members by addressing their message to rbmail@cconnect.net. The list is hosted by Carolina Connection and administered by Dave Wallace and Al Kish. Only residents, property owners and employees in River Bend are permitted to become members. We make an exception and allow ex-River Benders to remain on the list when they move away.

How can I become a member? Send a request to Dave Wallace dave@xxxalways-online.com (remove xxx) or Al Kish kishal1@xxxcox.net (remove xxx) with your name, address, phone number and e-mail address. If you don't provide a phone number, you could be history if mail sent to you is rejected, perhaps because your e-mail address changed. Also the e-mail address you provide must be the one you intend to use to send mail to the list. Mail from other addresses will be rejected to prevent spammers from using the list. New members will be sent a confirmation message that includes a list of current members. Members may request an updated list at any time.

How did RBmail get started? It was in 1997 when running the New Bern Computer Users Group e-mail list that I noticed many addresses of River Benders. I started entering them in my e-mail address book under a group name "River Bend" which I used when I had local news to share with residents. The list grew rapidly but what we needed was for it to be hosted by a service provider like the NBCUG list where any member could send mail. Al Kish saved the day by speaking to Carolina Connection and convincing them to host the list for free where it remains to this day.

Do other towns have a mailing list? I searched Google but found nothing. All I'm aware of are the lists for Trent Woods and Fairfield Harbour, both of which were originated by NBCUG members after hearing of the success in River Bend. If anyone discovers a town with an e-mail system for residents I'd be interested in hearing about it.

What does the Town of River Bend have to do with RBmail? Nothing, but all town officials are on the list, see all mail and use the list to send out town information. It's the fastest way to notify a large segment of the population about something important and residents are often asked to pass information on to their neighbors who don't have e-mail.

What are the rules for sending mail to River Benders? This question comes up repeatedly and the answer is that we have no rules. Rules require a policeman. I spend lots of time managing the list and don't want to take on more responsibility. If you don't like e-mail that a resident sends tell him so. An alternative might be for you to take over running the list or start another one.

Why should I become an RBmail member? Rbmail is a community asset that has helped many residents. It lets them keep in touch with what's going on in town. Folks also get opinions on which doctor to go to or which contractor to install a new roof. They also use the list to get help with computer problems. Many items are advertised and sold on RBmail. It's not uncommon to see something advertised and within hours see a message that it's been sold. I think folks are more trusting of items sold in River Bend. Many items are sold by retired folks at bargain basement prices when they start downsizing. Compared to the cost of advertising in the newspaper RBmail is a good deal. You really ought to be on the list.

All past articles for the RIVER BENDER are posted at http://www.always-online.com/nbcug/dwindex.htm