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A lecture at summer normal by Dr. Joseph Baldwin of the University of Texas ignited his ambitions and, from that moment, Kuehne resolved to attend the University of Texas. Baldwin (at right) was Professor of Pedagogy with degrees from Bethany College, VA. In 1896, at the age of 25, Kuehne and a boyhood friend,
Through leaves of absence at Texas and Fellowships at the University of Chicago, the academic years 1906-07 and 1907-08 saw the completion of formal course work for the Doctor of Philosophy degree and the initiation of an experimental research project under Robert A. Millikan. This project, the converse of the Rowland effect, was continued at the University of Texas upon Kuehne's return for the fall semester of 1908. Upon successful conclusion, his dissertation was published in the Philosophical Magazine for April, 1910, (“On the Electrostatic Effect of a Changing Magnetic Field”, Phil. Mag. 5, 469 (1910)) the year he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Chicago. On the occasion of Dr. Kuehne's seventieth birthday, Millikan commented upon Kuehne's work in a letter to the Chairman of the Physics Department: "When Maxwell's electromagnetic theory was undergoing all the tests which we physicists could devise to see if it ever fell down anywhere, Dr. Kuehne put in one of the latest nails in the establishment of that theory when he was a graduate student at the Ryerson Laboratory at the University of Chicago. He made a worth-while contribution, therefore, in that particular research to the greatest accomplishments of all time—the establishment of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory." In 1950 Kuehne arranged for Millikan to give a lecture to Sigma Pi Sigma. Millikan, 82 at the time, quite frail and needing assistance to walk, gave a rambling talk in which he kept referring to “that boy Kuehne.”
The American Men of Sciences lists Professor Kuehne's climb through the academics ranks as: Instructor, 1901-09, Assistant Professor, 1909-17, Associate Professor 1917-23, Professor, 1923. Research interests are given simply as magneto-electric effects and diffraction of light at metallic and non-metallic edges. Dr. Kuehne was elected an active member of the Alpha of Texas Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in 1905 and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1915. He was a Charter Member of the reorganized Texas Academy of Sciences in 1929 and was elected a Fellow later that year. He served as Department Chair for a number of years.
Professor Kuehne went "on modified service in the Fall Semester of 1942, modified service at that time consisting of the teaching of two courses together with their labs, if any, for upper division or graduate courses. Ten years later, in the fall of 1951, after 55 years at the University of Texas and 50 years as a member of the Faculty, Professor Kuehne resigned to become Professor Emeritus of Physics. He maintained good health, an active and critical intellect, and wide-ranging interests in arts and letters on the Campus and in the Austin Community until shortly before his death on February 14, 1960, at the age of eighty-seven years and six months. It is perhaps a result of his longevity that the University overlooked the customary memorial resolution upon his death. Newspaper clippings, some personal memorabilia, and the memories of the few remaining individuals on the faculty who knew Professor Kuehne constitute the basis for the information presented here in an attempt to portray to some small extent the intellectual life and accomplishments of this remarkable man.
Additional information about Professor Kuehne:
A letter of October 18, 1951, from University President T. S. Painter acknowledging Professor Kuehne's resignation as Professor of Physics modified service and recommending him for Emeritus status, contains the following paragraph:
"I doubt if on our faculty there is any other member who has had contact with as many students as you, and knowing you as I do, I realize just how many young people have benefited from these associations. For a good teacher does much more than drill his students in the laws of his science; he shares much of his own outlook in life and when this is wholesome and optimistic, the student gains a very great deal. You would be surprised to know how often "old-timers" ask me about you specifically. It is quite obvious that they hold you in respect and in real affection." An article from the Daily Texas on Sunday, November 15, 1942, describes the 70th birthday party for Dr. Kuehne as follows: "Dr. John Matthias Kuehne, professor of physics, only 70 years old, Saturday night was surprised guest of honor at a birthday turkey dinner given by the Department of Physics, in the Physics Building Library. When asked to attend an 'informal party for the department , Dr. Kuehne didn't think he could go, because he already had tickets and had brushed off his best suit to go to the symphony at Hogg Auditorium; and if there is anything the congenial doctor likes, it's good music, but he was lured to the party with the promise that it would be over before the concert began. Well, Dr. Kuehne didn't ever get to Hogg, but he heard the symphony anyway, because students in the Physics Department constructed a special broadcasting system by which the music was piped to him in the Physics Building.
As the some 100 colleagues, students, friends and former students arrived at the birthday party, they signed a parchment scroll on which Dan E. McCaskill, former student under Dr. Kuehne, had printed the following inscription: 'In appreciation to Dr. John Matthias Kuehne for the inspiration that we have gained as students, colleagues and friends from his critical thinking and for the genial associations that we have enjoyed. I'd trust him with my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor."
Many of Professor Kuehne's former students were scattered throughout the nation in war-time 1942 and, not able to attend the birthday party, sent their congratulations by letter or wire. A few excerpts from their many letters give further insight into the deep respect they felt for their former teacher, the person whom they sought out as counsellor and turned to as friend.
“ ...I have always considered Dr. Kuehne a sort of God-Father to me, for he more than anyone else was the guiding influence in causing me to select physics as a major in the University. . . " — E. W. Schuhmann
" ...I shall always remember with real pleasure the many interesting and instructive hours spent in your classes as well as the enjoyable associations with you outside of class." -- Lloyd Cherry
" ...I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your friendship and helpful instructions while I attended the University ..." — Earl Deacon
“ appreciation of the inspiration that I have gained from you both in the classroom and in personal contact. l am sure that all of your many students join me in expressing these sentiments. . ." — G. R. Tatum
" ...We are all proud of the contributions that you have made to science and to the lives of the men and women of Texas with whom you have worked for many years ." -- Archie Straiten
". . .Please think of us and know that we are thinking of you and recalling the many happy hours that we have spent in the company of you and your many friends during those great years when I was privileged to work for you and with you ....
However, more important to me than all of this fun, and more cherished in my memory, is the contribution which you have made to my progress through life. l am deeply grateful for the knowledge and inspiration which I received from your excellent teaching and your splendid example. I have long since forgiven you for the several figurative and literal headaches which I suffered as a result of some of your examinations. I develop a cramp in my hand and a pain where I sit now when I think of that major examination taken by the physics graduates of 1928. Seven and one-half hours with a half-hour recess for supper!. . . There was another incident which I recall with both appreciation and amusement. On the day when you organized our laboratory class in optics, I spoke up quickly and excitedly: 'Dr. Kuehne, let Peurifoy and I work together? Your only reply was, 'I believe, Mr. Edrington, that 'let’ controls the objective.” None of my English instructors ever made a more instructive statement with a more lasting result. . ." — Tom Edrington
". . . It is a real pleasure to thank you for the time and effort you spent as one of my teachers, to praise you for your work both as a teacher and as a citizen, and to wish you many more years for continuation of your work." — R. E. Greenwood
“. . .I remember with pleasure my association with you as a student and as a friend. . ." — Noyes D. Smith, Jr.
"... By your untiring labor in the field to which you have dedicated your life, you have been an inspiration to all those with whom you came in contact..."—Sister Michael O'Bryrne
“. . . The astronomers of McDonalds and Yerkes Observatories and their families join in sending greetings to Professor and Mrs. Kuehne. . . His support and friendly interest have aided in bringing about the construction in Texas of the world's second largest telescope." --O. Struve
" If we could have our wish we would be with you tonight celebrating with as fine and jovial a leader and companion as any group ever had. . ." — Charles Rutherford, Edward White, Wilson Nolle, Allen Chernosky, Eugene Ennis, Burton Jones, Laymon Miller, Roland Bulmberg, Robert Payne, Robert Thompson, Paul Boner, Marian Boner.
Excerpts from an unidentified magazine article, entitled simply "Dr. J. M. Kuehne", will strike a resonant note in the memory of those who knew him well:
"The tall, straight professor with the shock of snow-white hair and well-trimmed mustache and goatee strode quietly into the amphitheater classroom in the Physics Building and, after class noises had subsided, began his lecture. As students listened to his remarks, which were almost invariably punctured with gestures, they soon realized they were being told how to determine temperature by counting the number of chirps of a cricket in one minute. With only a twinkle in his eyes to betray him, the professor patiently explained that the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is thirty seven plus the number of chirps per minute of the Oecanthus Niveus (or green tree cricket) divided by four.
Dr. John Matthias Kuehne has been entertaining and instructing University students since he began teaching here in 1899 as a tutor. Though well past the retirement age for professors (Dr. Kuehne is seventy-six), he still teaches two classes in photography weekly to almost a hundred students (the number who register for his popular course is always considerably more but has to be reduced because of darkroom space available)... .
... “In 1908, he taught the first photography course to be offered at the University. Classes and labs were held in the basement of the old Main Building. A few years later, he organized the Austin Camera Club "for those people who are interested in improving methods of making pictures, rather than for those who just snap pictures and let the drug store develop the film.
“A colored filter for black and white film which is standard equipment for photographers today was first produced by Kuehne out of pieces of glass and wood.
Students attend few of his classes without a rewarding example of his pointed sense of humor. Once, returning to his optics lab after a short absence, he found the telescope trained on a window at Scottish Rite Dormitory for women. "We are testing the field of the telescope, Dr. Kuehne” explained one of the flustered students. 'This really is a good telescope. See how square that window frame appears through the glass?" Dr. Kuehne gazed into it for a moment. 'It certainly is,’ he agreed. 'You can almost read the time on that girl's watch."
Dr. Kuehne always taught the optics and spectroscopy courses, laboratory as well as lecture. The laboratory rooms were designed generally much like those of other laboratories in the old physics building, though equipped with heavy, dark shades that could be lowered in metal tracks for complete room darkness. Ceilings were finished with acoustical tile, making the room excellent acoustically, as well as light and attractive when the many windows were opened to the campus outside. Work tables consisted of cement pillars topped with thick slabs of soapstone, each containing air and gas outlets and electrical panels with 110- and 220-volt ac and dc outlets as well as one 50-ampere circuit, two general purpose circuits, and one high frequency circuit leading to the central switchboard in the generator and battery rooms. Sinks, desks, blackboards, and wood storage cabinets completed these excellent student laboratory rooms. The equipment was the best available and of wide variety, permitting instructive experiments in many basic areas of optics and spectroscopy. A large room in the basement was designed for the 21-foot Paschen-Runge-mounted concave grating, complete with darkroom and source room opening to the outside with heliostat for solar spectroscopy. Laboratory notes were complete and well written. Dr. Kuehne gave his own laboratory lectures and then worked closely with the students throughout the laboratory period. No teaching assistants or graders were used.
What is the purpose of this description? Perhaps it becomes important in comparison with a senior laboratory room in the new R. L. Moore building. The walls are of painted building tile, and massive, exposed cement beams loom cavernously above excessively bulky air ducts. A reverberation time of seconds precludes intelligible speech, even if it could otherwise be understood above the noise of rushing air in the ducts overhead. A few 120-volt outlets dangle grotesquely in the center of the room from dark cables suspended from the ceiling, and other 120-volt outlets are set in an exposed conduit around the walls. A small sink sits in miserably impotent isolation in the middle of the room, and black table tops contribute to the general feeling of gloom. A scarcity of laboratory stools was the apparent result of their having been somehow overlooked in the furnishing of the building and, reportedly, the laboratory apparatus now compliments the room in which it is housed. The whole depressing, dismal impression is one of thoughtless neglect. If this is considered an overstatement, it is suggested that a visit be made, for example, to room 7.302.
The questions asked might be either how so much of the depression limited material resources of the Department and of the personal resources of its faculty could be expended in this earlier time on the mere teaching of physics, or perhaps how little could be expended now? To Dr. Kuehne, as Teacher and scientist inextricably combined, the student was the glorious reason for the existence of the University and excellence of teaching of physics as an experimental as well as a theoretical science was the unquestionably overriding consideration. To this add the more esoteric connotations of "teacher" as a molder of youthful character, a disciplinarian to correct, a friend to guide, and a model to be emulated and it is evident that being a teacher such as Dr. Kuehne was a full-time, life-long job. Personal scientific research and publication was not a neurotically demanding requirement in Dr. Kuehne's life. Although no literature search has been made over the early nineteen hundreds to provide a publication list, it is doubted there could have been many of the type commonly published now. Of his dissertation, Millikan once said, "I had rather have this one piece of work to my credit than all the outpourings of R. W. Wood." Perhaps this was sufficient for the personal satisfaction of Kuehne. Lest these remarks be misconstrued, let it be emphasized that no apology is thought necessary for the lack of a publication list in the brief biography of a man whose life was so distinguishedly devoted to his profession.
Although teaching two courses while on modified service and spending essentially all day each week day with his many students and their multitudinous laboratory projects, Dr. Kuehne was willing always to assist others when the need arose. When a young colleague was worried about the strain of such a large teaching load on a man in his seventies, Professor M. Y. Colby, then chairman of the physics department, responded, "Teaching comes as naturally to Dr. Kuehne as breathing; he doesn't feel any strain." At about this time, in the early part of World War II, the physics department taught many Navy V-5 and V-12 students. A number of classes were scheduled in Sutton Hall, precluding the use of demonstration experiments. Dr. Kuehne graciously agreed to hold Saturday morning sessions in the Physics Building Auditorium to perform for these students demonstrations appropriate to the material covered earlier in the week. It was a never-to-be-forgotten experience to see the tall, white-bearded, athlete-straight old gentleman, with the character of a lifetime etched ruggedly on his still-virile, Viking-like countenance, breath life and excitement into otherwise routine demonstrations.
Apparently there was the usual pressure brought to bear by vested political and partisan regional interest with respect to the location of the Observatory. There was a strong move to choose Mt. Bonnell or one of the other hills across the lake, also a strong attempt by El Paso to have the Observatory located there. These interests are reflected in news clippings from across the State. It is to the credit of Professor Kuehne and then University president H. Y. Benedict that the ultimate choice was dictated by purely scientific considerations.
Photography and Art
Dr. Kuehne's interest in photography evidently dates from his undergraduate days. Upon his death, the Kuehne family gave his collection of glass-plate negatives to the Texas History Center and the Alcade of June, 1960 reproduced several of his early campus photographs. One shows students in an introductory physics lab in 1904. The students, all mature looking males in coats and ties, are determining the heat of vaporization of water. Interestingly enough, the equipment shown clearly in the photograph is the same equipment currently used in that experiment, some seventy years after the photograph was taken.
Music - Theater - Community Service - Horticulture
Professor Kuehne personified the Renaissance man—a man of science, a man of arts and letters, and above all a man who savored life immensely. A striking physique and boundless energy coupled with a challenging, pervasive intellect led to the pursuit of many non-academic interests at a near-professional level. He was a rare type of man, admired by all and envied by many. In its earlier days the University participated dominantly in the cultural life of Austin through lectures, theatrical presentations, musical recitals, etc., and Professor Kuehne contributed his many talents unselfishly to the artistic and intellectual development of the community. A music lover and an accomplished musician, he sang to his own bass viol, sang in university and church choirs, served as faculty sponsor to the University Light Opera Company, and played in the University Orchestra. Over the many years after his active participation in musical productions had ended, Dr. and Mrs. Kuehne continued to be dedicated supporters of the Music Department and its activities and were distinguished guests at all musical concerts. A brief insight into their esteem for Professor Kuehne is given by a letter from the Music Department, written in 1953, some two years after Professor Kuehne's retirement. The letter, signed by 35 members of the Music Department, states “Seeing our good friends Dr. & Mrs. Kuehne at concerts has become one of the finest traditions at this University and a source of inspiration to us, whether we are on the stage or members of the audience at the time.” The graciousness of the Kuehnes is reflected in their response “...To say that we are overwhelmed by the highly complimentary communication of the Music Department would be putting the matter very mildly. To tell the plain truth, we were actually embarrassed by the undeserved recognition from the Department. I say undeserved, for definitely we are at the receiving end of the line, and it is we who should express ourselves as grateful for the benefits we have enjoyed from the presence in our midst of a high class music department.”
Although members of the faculty often participated in community theatrical productions, Dr. Kuehne as a physics professor must nevertheless have been somewhat unique. There are pictures of him in Shakespearian costume, indicating participation in University productions, and mention of several Little Theater productions. A review of Eugene O'Neill's "Beyond the Horizon" begins: "Is 'Beyond the Horizon worth seeing? Yes, Kuehne will make you cry and Cook will make you laugh. ... If you don't cry during the play, you will before you go to sleep that night. You must. . . In the scene where the father tells his son to leave the family home, one must feel aroused. Dr. John Kuehne in the part of the father got the sympathy of every man. When he opened the door and left the room, it was a human being who went out to cry alone at his own stupidity. "
A review of "Hotel Universe," by Philip Barry, mentions a "well-seasoned" cast containing Dr. J. M. Kuehne, Professor of Physics, "who is well-known for his acting ability." Pictures accompanying two reviews suggest the dramatic power he must have brought to the parts he played.
There is little reason to document the many-faceted involvement of Dr. Kuehne in community and environmental affairs. However, one early example that perhaps should not be overlooked is his organization of central Texas for the purpose of providing food, medicine, and clothing for destitute women and children of Germany and Austria after World War I. The telegrams from Herbert Hoover and Robert Lansing, survive to bear testimony to this:
Dec. 11, 1919 To: J. M. Kuehne, Austin, TX. “Society of Friends twenty south twelfth Street Philadelphia are in full charge of child feeding in Germany and my organization is assisting them to the extent of supervising all food purchases and paying cost of shipping from Atlantic ports to Germany STOP They will be grateful for your support STOP Relief of adults in Germany not so pressing my own childfeeding organization giving daily supplementary meal to hundred twenty five thousand children in Austria and we will appreciate your contribution-Herbert Hoover”
October 29, 1919, Washington, D.C. To: J. M. Kuehne, Austin, TX. “Since trade and communication with Germany and Austria have been resumed no objection is perceived to an organization for relief of destitute women and children in those countries.-Robert Lansing, Secretary of State.
There seemed to be few times when Dr. Kuehne was not involved in some community or environment-related project, from the elimination of rock quarries in the city to the preservation of parks in their natural beauty. His early background on the farm left him with a life-long interest in horticulture. He budded and grafted his own trees in developing better fruits and nuts, experimented with native Texas grapes in producing outstanding white wine, and introduced new plants and flowers into the Austin area.
These remarks are based upon rather casual bits of conversations and could be very wide of the true mark, but it is not thought so. A religious agnostic who could conceive of nothing worse than soaring around for all eternity on obviously inadequate gossamer angel's wings, Professor Kuehne was nevertheless an active, participating member of the First Congregational Church. His interests were in the ethical and moral precepts embodied in religion and their translation into practical guidelines for living. There was no apparent conflict between rational, scientific concepts and his emotional bonds to religion, as he conceived and lived it. His personal doctrine seems aptly expressed in a quotation from a Christmas card from the Kuehnes in 1948,. "I expect to pass through this life but once. If therefore there is any good I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, let me not defer it, for I shall not pass this way again." As a man in his seventies, still youthful in mind and vigorous in body, he once said to a young student, "I would not trade this grizzled, wrinkled old countenance for your smooth young face under any circumstances. I have no desire to start over, to live another life. There is nothing I would like to do over, or that I wish I had done differently." Of his stay at the University he said, "It has been a wonderful experience, and if I had it all to do over again, I'd do it the same way." Such expressions of deep satisfaction and total contentment were inevitably followed by a touching tribute to the person who so obviously made it all so. Of his wife he said, "The wisest decision I ever made was to marry the woman I married." Those who knew Mrs. Kuehne would have to agree. She was apparently the perfect companion throughout this classically academic life of an erstwhile farm boy, from the date of marriage in August, 1900, to Professor Kuehne's death 60 years later. Dr. Kuehne died on Sunday, February 14, 1960. He was survived by two daughters , Mrs. Hildegard Everett and Mrs. Elizabeth Rehn, by three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The memorial service at the Austin Congregational Church finished with a poem by John Sheton Davis, a member of the congregation entitled "Dr. Kuehne, My Friend":
A head hallowed in the whitest snow
And eyes shining with a knowing glow,
He saw things with the clear simplicity of the young in age
And expressed them with the insight of an elder sage
And now he's gone, where he must be
Delighted by new things to see.
In truth his youth shall see the sight
Illumined by age in wisdom's light.
Indeed, what'ere the nature of the immortal realm,
It shall be enlightened by the presence of him."
–By John Sheton Davis, February 18, 1960
In May, 1974. UT Board of Regents approved the renaming of the Physics Mathematics Astronomy Library to the John M. Kuehne Physics-Mathematics-Astronomy Library.
Material excerpted: from document, written largely by Professor W. W. Robertson, supporting renaming of the Physics-Math-Astronomy Library in RL Moore Hall as the John Matthias Kuehne Library, from Dot Kuehne Waldrip, Kuehne’s granddaughter, and from miscellaneous documents from the Kuehne Collection in the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.
George Thurston tells a Kuehne story, “We were in an optics class and Kuehne had brought a telescope to illustrate resolution. He noticed a group of the students at the window with the scope pointed toward a girls dorm. They had found a scantily clad coed as the subject for their study. Kuehne takes the telescope and points it in the same direction. He looks for a short time and remarks matter-of-factly, “The resolution is so good you can see the hands on her watch.”
In his 1934 addition of R. W. Wood’s classic textbook on Physical Optics, Professor Kuehne has written many notes to himself. One that demonstrates his wry sense of humor is shown at right.