The ABC’s of You

Kathy and Red Grammar


If I wrote down all my feelings for you,

I’d probably fill up an ocean or two.

But in the end I decided to

list the ABC’s of you.



I think you’re:

A-1 grade A,

Beloved and Beautiful,

Capable and Caring,

Delightful, Dependable,

Enjoyable, Excellent,

Fascinating, Fabulous,

a Gift, a Gem, Genuinely Generous.

Honest, High grade,

Impressive and Interesting,

a Jewel, Jackpot,

Kindhearted, and a King.

Loveable, Likable,

Marvelous, Magnificent.

Naturally Nice.

One of a kind,

Pleasing, Priceless.

Queen-like in Quality,

Rare and Radiant.

Scintillating, Splendid,

Superb, Sensational.

Trustworthy, Talented,

Tender, and Tasteful.

Unique, Unprecedented,

Very, Very Valuable.

Worthy, Welcome,

eXtraordinary, eXceptional,

Yes, Yes, Yes!

You, You, You!

You’re one in a Zillion!


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