Up one level Grandkids

Image 18
Image 19
Image 20
Image 14
Image 15

Image 16
Image 17
Image 12
Image 13
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 25

Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 26
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 24
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 23
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 21
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 22

Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 16
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 20
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 15
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 14
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 11

Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 12
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 05
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 04
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 02
Summer, 2012, with Kara, Andrew and Madeline - Avenue of the Giants - 03

On the way to Grandma and Granddad's
20120222_165335 copy copy
Andrew - cross country Santa Barbara
Andrew - cross country
Image 2

20120222_165335 copy
Andrew 1

Mad Cropped
Madeline turns 11
Andrew's graduation present - 2
Madeline swimming - 1
Photo on 2011-06-18 at 20.53 #2

Photos made with Ipod touch - 2
Photos made with Ipod touch - 3
Andrew's graduation present - 1
Madeline's 11th birthday quilt - Madeline's Flower Garden - 2
Madeline's 11th birthday quilt - Madeline's Flower Garden - 5

Suit copy

Mad 2010
Mad 09

Andrew  09

Andrew and Grandma
Family dinner at Ottavio's - 2008 - 02
Family dinner at Ottavio's - 2008 - 03
Madeline making 9-patches
First Day of School, September, 2008 - 01

First Day of School, September, 2008 - 03
First Day of School, September, 2008 - 04
First Day of School, September, 2008 - 07
First Day of School, September, 2008 - 10
Grandkids - 10

Grandkids - 11
Grandkids - 14
Grandkids - 16
Grandkids - 17
Grandkids - 21

Grandkids - 24
Grandkids - 30
Grandkids - 36
Grandkids - 37
Grandkids - 38

Grandkids - 46
Grandkids - 63
Grandkids - 67
Grandkids at the Humboldt Marine Lab - 1
Grandkids at the Humboldt Marine Lab - 2

Grandkids - 76
All Done!
Andrew Quilt