Changes - Additions


New pages are constantly being added and old pages rewritten. In order to help people keep up with the changes, they will be listed on this page with the date of the changes. This page covers changes from 12/16/97 to present.

Date 6/10/98

  1. Added new page of Prestons of Scotland. All were found on a document about Craigmillar Castle.
  2. Added a new page on Barbers'. Not many to show. Either died in infancy or didn't marry.
  3. Continuing to work on update of SURNAMES list, Individual Prestons and Other Individuals.
  4. If anyone can tell me how to install a search machine for just my site (free) I would appreciate it.

Date 6/8/98

  1. Found some bad links on Genealogy Links page and Miscellaneous Links page. The Historical Genealogy Dept link was fixed, Genealogy Roots Corner deleted (cannot find correct address) and the National Archive didn't work but believed to be correct so left alone.
  2. In the Miscellaneous Links, the Lufkin Peddler link didn't work and was deleted, same for the Color Chart and Kids Publishing.
  4. If anyone has a problem with any link be sure to let me know...I would sincerely appreciate it...

Date 6/7/98

  1. Added another 145 Prestons to the New England Preston list. Currently complete. Broke the list into two parts for easier loading, A thru J and K thru Z.
  2. Will finish New England Individuals soon.

Date 6/6/98

  1. Added another 330 INDIVIDUALS related to Prestons. Mostly from New England Prestons but some related to Walnut Grove Prestons.
  2. Dressed up Fortune City main page and added a couple of links.

Date 6/5/98

  1. Obvious changes to menu on left frame..went to glo buttons..main reason for this was to get as many links visible at one time as possible. Now if I knew how to get a narrower CRESCENDO control I would be in good shape. Also, how to get two lines of text in these buttons.
  2. Added a section on Broadway Musicals on Midi Music Page and added about 6 songs.
  3. Still working on New England Prestons and other Individuals from the New England pages...hope to add more of these soon.

Date 6/2/98

  1. Added 133 more Prestons to PRESTONs of New England page. Still more to come.
  2. Added two more requests for help to BULLETIN BOARD.

Date 5/31/98

  1. Added more individuals to pages for last names starting with D thru Z. Total including some on SMITH page is 312 new individuals.
  2. Added Happy Birthday note and song to Welcome Page. This is the 1st Birthday for these pages.
  3. Added 3 more midi files to MUSIC page. Bikini (Itsy, bitsy, teeney, weeney bikini.), also Beatles Birthday song ??? and William Tell Overture in Classical section.
  4. Continuing to check and correct LINKS. Have now checked over 4900 and had 2 bad.

Date 5/30/98

  1. Finished the story about Civil War battle at Gaines Mill. I consider myself a rebel but when you read the story and find that all the looting was done by Confederates, and even one mentioned as "Texan", it is tough. The Yankees were portrayed as perfect gentlemen.
  2. Dressed up the main page at Fortune City and changed a few links.
  3. Added note on Mary Preston page about John Lewis's first wife Jane Sophonisba Thompson.
  4. Added 60 or 70 INDIVIDUALS whose last names begin with A, B and C. (Many more to go.)
  5. Going to work on adding more Prestons, primarily those from New England.

Date 5/29/98

  1. Converted all of Fortune City pages to Front Page 98 format, however, Fortune City doesn't support Front Page 98, changes to speak of.
  2. Few small changes to main Fortune City page. Added link to this page.
  3. On Fun Stuff page, added a counter, an animated gif and some words of wisdom called, Lions or Gazelles ?.
  4. Music page now linked directly from either main Fortune City page or from menu on Preston opening page. Also added an animated gif and counter.
  5. The Civil War Story linked from either Fanny Gaines page, Tinsley page or from main Fortune City Page, added considerably more to story and started Part 2. Also added links to Tinsley and Gaines pages.
  6. On the RECORDS page (accessed by going to CHANGES or BULLETIN BOARD), I added a section on GUEST BOOK. In order to make the VIEW GUEST BOOK load faster I deleted all entries prior to 2/9/98. However, you can see entries from 7/7/97 to 5/13/98 at a different location. By breaking it up it should be easier to load.

Date 5/25/98

  1. Added Family Pictures which are linked from the HAYS AND BARBER PAGES. Also added links to Civil War Story from GAINES and Harriet TINSLEY pages.
  2. Moved Preston Coat of Arms page.
  3. Waiting for all the Ads to appear on some pages...if too much, may move out !

Date 5/24/98

  1. Started some maintenance, checking links. Checked 2000 so far and just beginning.
  2. Added more on story of the BATTLE OF GAINES MILL (Civil War) but so far not linked from main pages. Go to MUSIC and it will take you to the FORTUNECITY pages.

Date 5/16/98

  1. Broke up the page on CHANGES. One page covers changes from 8/1/97 to 12/15/97 and the next from 12/16/97 to present. Also, broke up BULLETIN BOARD. One page covers 10/1/97 to 4/30/98 and the other from 5/1/98 to present. Will do the same for the Guest Book as soon as I figure out how to do it.

Date 5/15/98

  1. Well I'm still here. Right now I'm moving into a new piece of property at Fortune City, 10 megs available. Moving some things to this location to get more space on the other page. Have moved the Music. Everything accessed at the Fortune City location will be directed to a main page and then from there to the page in question. If banners and cookies get to be a problem like they are on Geo Cities, I'll move out. Hopefully you will be able to go back and forth between Fortune City and iAmerica pages. Let me know if you have problems.
  2. I have received data on Pattons, Sheffeys and some others that I havent had time to get on these pages but I will, assuming I don't get overcome from the smoke coming in from Mexico.
  3. Entered another request for help on the Bulletin Board.

Date 5/7/98

  1. Obviously I'm back but with a recent death in the family, home remodeling and just plain getting burned out, I'm going to be less active for awhile.
  2. A lot of new additions to the BULLETIN BOARD, requests for help. Also, some of the older postings have been modified so check them also.
  3. Deleted picture of CraigMillar castle linked from Prestons of Scotland page. I'm allowed 5 megs of space and was at 4.9 + megs so pictures are going to have to be deleted. Sorry.

Date 4/18/98

  1. Sorry but won't be doing anything on here or answering email for about 3 weeks.

Date 4/17/98

  1. New page on TINSLEY, my line as shown in Jennie Gaines Tinsley's "Tinsley Genealogy and Collateral Branches".
  2. New page on TINSLEY, my line as shown by Joe Downing (link on the page), some differences and Joe has more information. Most major differences noted on this page.
  3. Brief pages on Ragland, Thomson and Garland.
  4. New page on Descendents of James Garland Tinsley, not yet finished.

Date 4/15/98

  1. Working on TINSLEY. Am going to put up a page on my line as shown by Jennie Tinsley in "Tinsley Genealogy and Collateral Branches", will also put up my line as depicted by Joe Downing. Will devote a whole page to James Garland Tinsley from a document dated April 1971. Short pages will also include some lineage on Thomson, Raglan (Ragland, Rhaglan) and Garland. Lastly, trying to decide what to do with some data I am not going to use but could be helpful to someone. Includes data on following: Meriwether from 1651 in Wales to 1600's in Virginia. Have 8 pages of data that go to about mid 1700's. Also, from "The Family Tree" by Mary Preston Gray I have data on Peyton, Lewis, Campbell, Cochran and Moffett which I havent used. Believe this is all Virginia, perhaps some Kentucky, probably mostly 1700-1800's.

Date 4/12/98

  1. Nothing of much consequence...just playing with Midi music. Embedded "Its A Small World" on BULLETIN BOARD page, and "Music, Music, Music (or Nickelodeon" on MUSIC page. Also added a lot of DISNEY tunes to MUSIC page.
  2. Just added a new page called, TINSLEY, the origin of the name. Page linked from the main TINSLEY page. This info along with more on Gaines, Tinsley, Garlick, Spindle, Garland, Ragland and Camm was recently obtained from Margaret Gaines Anderson Mathis, a cousin. The origin of the TINSLEY name uses a Reference of "Yorkshire Notes and Queries and Folk, Vol. I page 221. Hallam, Middle Ages, Chapter 2, page 2." Also references Thomas Robson' "Collection of the names of the Nobility from Yorkshire England." I would very much appreciate any comments on this information or the source.

Date 4/11/98

  1. Sorry, Ive just returned from my boy's home where his wife had their 3rd girl, and my 9th granddaughter. Score 9-0. Wonder who's going to be interested in genealogy ??
  2. Deleted Larry Prestons request for info on Homer Elsworth Preston and now looking for Larry's Great and GGGrandfathers. Sounds like progress. Check out the Bulletin Board.
  3. Another entry on Bulletin Board, Martha Burgess is looking for info on a David Preston born in Bedford, VA about 1765, see Bulletin Board.
  4. Also, James Lee Preston is looking for info on James F. Preston who married Kate Egan about 1895 and family eventually migrated to Lousville, TX.
  5. A. Dailey provided the answer to Sam Stewart regarding Amos Preston, supplying Amos's father, gf, ggf, gggf and ggggf.
  6. Added info on Amos, son of Darius Preston, to Jacob Preston page of New England Prestons. Also added some more dates for Smith, Parish, Canada and Simons.

Date 3/31/98

  1. Updated SURNAME list to include those in new pages of New England Prestons.

Date 3/30/98

  1. Not much new, added a few midis on MUSIC PAGE, added a few funnies on TID BITS PAGE (from Home Page).
  2. Hope to enter new SURNAMES from recent additions to New England Prestons by Monday nite.

Date 3/26/98

  1. Well, think Ive just about finished on the New England Prestons, at least for now. Finished the Roger Preston 1614-1666 page, finished the Samuel and Susannah Gutterson Preston page and added a Jacob Preston and Sarah Wilson page. Changed listings under PRESTONS and also on the No-Frames original page. Kind of messy and may redo it later. Wish I had some neat names like the Mass branch or Conn branch but each group spread all over. Even into New Jersey and New York. I would still like to find the link to the Prestons in St Joseph, MI mainly because I lived there once. Still have much work to do to add all the new SURNAMES and list of Individuals.

Date 3/25/98

  1. Finished page on Samuel Preston 1651-1738 who married Susannah Gutterson in Andover, MA. Many more Connecticutt Yankees and a few New Yorkers added. This page may need to be divided up to make loading faster. SORRY FOLKS...I JUST WENT OUT TO VIEW MY NEWLY FINISHED PAGE AND COULDN'T FIND IT !! Will fix links tomorrow, getting to early right now.
  2. Be aware that the SURNAMES linked to the recent additions in the New England Prestons have not been updated yet nor the list of Individuals, Prestons or others. Still have more to add on the George Preston page.

Date 3/24/98

  1. Added another request for help on Bulletin Board. Looking for a David William Preston born London, England about 1880's.
  2. Another request for help, looking for information on Georgia Ann Preston. Appears to be connected to Augusta Co., VA to Walton Co., GA Prestons but looking for confirmation. See Bulletin Board.
  3. Added 2 Joplin Midi's, The Entertainer and Maple Leaf Rag. Can hear my music if using Netscape or if you have Crescendo.

Date 3/23/98

  1. Added more data to Samuel Preston b.1651 in Ipswich and died in Andover, MA. Still many more Prestons to add. (must be the cold weather).

Date 3/21/98

  1. Have been visiting grandkids and working on computer...just getting it back to where I can continue updating these pages...have had several more requests for help. But still working on bugs in computer.. Will get going again soon, I hope. I had a problem with Midi music playing two songs at one time today, is this my computer or has anyone else had the problem???

Date 3/10/98

  1. Added another request for help on the BULLETIN BOARD.
  2. Added more information on Roger Preston page, New England Prestons. More to come.
  3. Added a bunch of Midi Music on MUSIC page.

Date 3/9/98

  1. Finished updating SURNAMES but now I'm behind again.
  2. Re-Re named Samuel Preston page to John Preston since most of it is about Dr. John Preston of New Ipswich, NH, also contains some new data.
  3. Added pages on Dr. Johns ancestors, Roger Preston and Samuel Preston. Not complete yet and need to add Surnames and Individuals at some point in time.

Date 3/8/98

  1. Added more information on a previous request for help, looking for info on Ebenezer Preston and Ebenezer Preston Jr., see Bulletin Board.
  2. Revised page on John Preston of New Ipswich, NH, and renamed Samuel Preston although most of the page is on Dr. John Preston. There is a link to another page through Samuel Preston, this page will be up tomorrow night I hope.
  3. Added some more Midi music, check it out.

Date 3/7/98

  1. Added another request for help on Bulletin Board, looking for parents of a Susannah Preston.

Date 3/6/98

  1. Updated SURNAMES for F, G, H, I, J, K, L AND M.
  2. Added request to BULLETIN BOARD. Person who purchased Marshall Preston's home built 1820, is restoring it and wants pictures. In Billerica, Mass., see Bulletin Board.

Date 3/5/98

  1. Updated SURNAMES for A, B, C AND D.

Date 3/2/98

  1. Revised page called Catherine John, renamed to Martin John, Catherine's great grandfather. Martin John was my GGGGGF. The JOHN OR JOHNS family was from Armstrong, Bedford, Huntingdon Counties in Pennsylvania. Sources were "Armstrong County, PA, Her People, Past and Present" Vol. I and II published in 1914. Some of this I had and recently received more data from Beth Caporali, pages from Vol. II. I also lifted some information from JJ's page which has considerable JOHN data. Link is shown on Martin John page.

Date 2/28/98

  1. Fixed some errors on the James PATTON page and also on the John Fairman Preston page, regarding NEWMAN.
  2. Added about 14 more Campbells to list of Individuals.
  3. Working on getting SURNAME list updated and also adding more to list of INDIVIDUALS. Anyone know where I can get a Search program for just one site, like mine ?
  4. Revised the COMMENTS PAGE, linked from the Opening page. Shows list of MENU ITEMS and what you can find with each.

Date 2/25-27/98

  1. I'm getting lazy about recording changes. Ok, made some changes in my Home Page (About Me), added some links and other minor changes.
  2. Added a MUSIC PAGE. Contains a few Irish, Scotch and English Midi tunes plus a link that has hundreds more tunes of all types. Can click on a tune and when it loads it will come back to the Music Page. You can then continue browsing on other pages and music will play...assuming you have Crescendo.
  3. Completely updated a page called Tid-Bits (linked from Home Page). It has some brain teasers, humor, bits of wisdom, health and computer tips. Will update every couple of weeks.
  4. Added a Chart on Robert J. COONTZ, retired Capt. US Navy, descendant of Sarah Eleanor PRESTON. Includes BYARS, BAILEY, RHEA, WOMACK, CLARK, WATSON, BEATTIE, COHEN, BREWINGTON, HOLLIDAY, BACON AND DANIELS.
  5. Received more information on the PATTONS from G. Mallory BOUSH. Made some changes and additions to PATTON page (Under PEOPLE AND STORIES). Also made some changes to John Preston page (Smithfield), mainly birthdates of children.
  6. Also, made changes to the James PATTON page, linked from the page above.
  7. Still have a lot of work to do in updating SURNAME list and also Individuals.

Date 2/23/98

  1. Added 76 more PRESTONS to the Individuals list of Bedford Co., VA. Some of these are Bedford, some Walton Co., GA and some Kentucky. Eventually all PRESTONS will be grouped together and broken down alphabetically.

Date 2/22/98

  1. Added a new page on Francis Biddulph who married Margaret Preston of the Holker Prestons in England. Data supplied by Michael Henderson.
  2. Working on INDIVIDUALS, major task. Have those connected to Bedford Prestons about ready to go, still have England, Ireland and Scotland to do. Also, have more Prestons to add.

Date 2/13/98

  1. Added New England Prestons on the page of Individuals. So far have 140 listed. Will try to finish this weekend.
  2. Have EMBED music on Welcome page, PRESTONS Page, SURNAMES Page and Scotland Preston page. Music called Scotland the Brave courtesy Brigadoonery Canada (see Comments for link), Auld Lange Syne and another just called Scotch.mid --- don't tell me, I know, its not an alcoholic drink but thats what it was called. An applet was added that I hope will determine what you are using and make it possible for everyone to hear the music. Also, it is not supposed to LOOP, just play once and quit unless you start it again.
  3. Updated Comments page saying mostly what I said above about the music.

Date 2/11/98

  1. Changed backgrounds on some pages, went back to Crescendo, and changed opening music to Scotland the Brave.
  2. Added a picture of Mary Jane Hays 1866-1941 (my grandmother), linked from the Hays page. Also added a picture of Sarah K. Barber from Dubois Yearbook, class of 1916.
  3. Added two charts linked from the Sarah Ellen Preston 1843-1927 page. One is on TILLAR and the other on BAILEY.

Date 2/9/98

  1. Lack of notations doesn't mean I haven't made changes. Found several ways people could get frames inside of frames so had to make changes on all pages. If this happens to anyone please let me know and if possible how it happened.
  2. Added a new Individual List for WINFREY. Separate lists are created when I have about 25 or more individuals with same surname.
  3. Added over 400 more individuals to the OTHERS and special lists. All related to RHEA family.

Date 2/3/98

  1. Ok, I've added a link on top left of new WELCOME page and old INTRO TO PRESTON page, only problem, when you click NO-Frames on new page, the old one comes up in the frame..I'll figure it out one day. If your Browser can't handle frames, it should automatically come up with a message and link to old page.
  2. Added another request for help on BULLETIN BOARD, looking for Prestons in OHIO and ENGLAND.

Date 2/1/98

  1. Added new page on John NICHOL who married Margaret Dysart, sister of Col. James Dysart. Page is linked from RHEA Main page and also from McElwane page. Text is word for word as supplied by Brom Nichol.
  2. Working on possible change of format to a FRAMES version. If you have any strong feelings about FRAMES let me know.

Date 1/30/98

  1. Added over 300 more individuals. Those connected with the Smithfield Prestons are essentially complete. Also added some connected to Walnut Grove and to Rhea groups. Created separate page for COCHRAN AND SMITH individuals.

Date 1/28/98

  1. New page called Archibald Preston 1794-1882 son of Thomas Preston Jr. Moved from Brunswick Co., VA to Walton Co., GA. Data written by Sallie Mood Preston Snow in 1953 and supplied by Godfrey Preston Miles. Listed under Prestons of Augusta Co. Virginia and Georgia.
  2. Minor changes to 3 or 4 other pages.
  3. Near the middle of the Main Page below the various Preston lines, I have, SURNAMES in my line. I added links to each surname.
  4. Added a picture of 3 BARBER brothers and their father, taken 1880-90. See main Barber page. May take a while to load.
  5. Added a picture of the CLASS OFFICERS OF DUBOIS HIGH SCHOOL, 1916. Include Kathryn Barber. (DuBois, PA).
  6. Added a Map of United States (see MAPS), animated, shows State Boundries from 1650 to present as they changed. This map is on the Tennessee Gen Web Page so make sure you come back to my page with the Browser BACK button. If you don't come back I'll never speak to you again. This map is neat thou, check it out.

Date 1/26/98

  1. On the MAPS PAGE, added links on the US Map with abbreviations, to VA, WV, KY, TN AND PA U.S. Genweb Pages. On the Virginia Today map, added links to Augusta, Bedford, Botetourt, Hanover, King & Queen, Montgomery and Washington Counties.
  2. Added two more requests for info on BULLETIN BOARD.
  3. Added link to Armstrong Co., PA from Hays Page.
  4. Added info on NEWMANS to John Fairman Preston page (Walnut Grove). Data supplied by Ed Tucker, prof. at VT.

Date 1/24/98

  1. Added over 400 individuals. Some Breckenridge, few Campbell and White, about 390 to Others, all related to Smithfield Prestons. More to come.
  2. Added another request for help on BULLETIN BOARD.

Date 1/23/98

  1. Added my CHART to list of surnames, also linked from main page.
  2. Working on Individuals, primarily Smithfield related. Will add 300 or so more names in a couple of days.
  3. Also working on Tinsley Coat of Arms, trying to color in Paint.
  4. Added another name to Bulletin Board, check it out.

Date 1/21/98

  1. Minor changes on Main page plus added link to Preston Coat of Arms. Also added a page with Gormanston and Craigmillar coats of arms.
  2. Cowan individuals page finished,
  3. Added Hays coat of arms on Hays main page.
  4. Added picture of Craigmillar castle, linked from Prestons of Scotland.
  5. Added Obituary of Jennie Gaines Tinsley, linked from Document page.

Date 1/20/98

  1. Changed format of Other Individuals, Broke it down to 16 groups instead of 4 to facilitate loading.
  2. Added 46 Dysarts.
  3. Started a page of Cowans. 70 listed.

Date 1/18/98

  1. Added about 300 more individuals linked to various pages. Walnut Grove and Smithfield other than Prestons. Created page for Breckenridge individuals and one for Sheffey.

Date 1/17/98

  1. Fixed most of the letters used in navigating lists of individuals.
  2. Added two more searches to Preston Bulletin Board. Think we got at least one hit, the current #4 may have answered #5.
  3. Added map of Hanover Co. to Tinsley page, stolen from Hanover Co., web site.

Date 1/15/98

  1. Added about 80 individual to OTHER list, mostly connected to John and William of Smithfield Prestons.
  2. Added map of US with state abbreviations, sometimes I forget.
  3. Added map of Armstrong Co., PA to HAYS page.

Date 1/14/98

  1. Francis Preston page, added some HENRY data (sisters of Patrick Henry), and also corrected name of Sally Buchanan Preston to Sarah Buchanan P.
  2. John Montgomery Preston added some data on DEAN.
  3. Nathaniel Preston page added a son of Jeffrey.
  4. All individual pages, a-c, d-k, l-r, s-z added breaks to make navigating easier.
  5. Changed background color on almost all Smithfield Preston pages.
  6. McElwaine page, changed Stuart to Stewart, and castle to house. Also location of Nichol family. Bromfield Nichol has been there and states there isn't any castle and never was. Wants to correct some Massengill errors.

Date 1/13/98

  1. Added some data to the Joseph Rhea page, primarily on Samuel Rhea and Nancy Breden, my great great grandparents.
  2. Added some data to John Preston page of Smithfield, primarily on ship "Walpole" owned by James Patton which apparently brought them to America. Also changed background color. Am going to change all the Smithfield pages, I find it hard to read on the rough texture.
  3. Added four request for information on the PRESTON BULLETIN BOARD.

Date 1/12/98

  1. Completed the Individual Fickles and Gaines.

Date 1/10/98

  1. Added a page of links, at the end of the Genealogy Links see PERSONAL HOME PAGES OF INTEREST. Several web pages on Preston, Tinsley and others.
  2. Just viewed my pages using Microsoft Explorer for the first time in months and found another difference between Explorer and Netscape. Netscape 3.0 aligns left unless told center or right. Apparently Explorer has to be told or if you have an align center, you must follow with align left. Also, Explorer 3.0 recognizes only 16 colors while Netscape recognizes 132. (color by name, i.e. "red") Several pages didn't look like they were intended sorry. Will check and fix ASAP. Question-- I have Explorer 4.0 but almost afraid to install it for fear it will not allow me to use Netscape any more. Comments please.

Date 1/9/98

  1. The page of Individuals not included in a separate group such as Walnut Grove Prestons, Smithfield Prestons, Rhea, Tinsley or other group, has gotten too large so I broke it down to four groups. They are A thru C, D thru K, L thru R and S thru Z. Also, show a list for GAINES and one for FICKLE, but no entries in either list yet. Am going to work on the Individuals more in the next few weeks.
  2. Few minor changes to the page on Prestons of Ireland, mostly adding estimated dates. Added the individuals to the above mentioned page. The Prestons were already listed.

Date 1/8/98

  1. Posted another request for information on the PRESTON BULLETIN BOARD. Guess what, another JOHN. What is it about JOHNs who dont have parents. John Preston and Eleanor Fairman, John Preston and Elizabeth Patton, John Tinsley and this John Preston from Canada and Mary Jane Darling...I have a bunch of Johns' with no known parents. Check out the bulletin board, entry no. 1.

Date 1/7/98

  1. Holidays over, back to work....Added more maps (stolen from Tennessee Gen Web site.) Map of US in 1832, Map of North America in 1845 and map of Sullivan Co., TN today but also shows where it was in times past. Click on MAPS.
  2. Added more data on GAINES, more names, dates etc. See Fanny W. Gaines page.

Date 12/24/97

  1. Minor changes to Gen. Francis Smith Preston page (Smithfield).
  2. Added many estimated birth dates to Isaac Preston page. (Bedford)
  3. Worked on links on Individual Prestons of Bedford, not finished.
  4. Added some MAPS, see main page. Map of Virginia Counties today, same in 1792, also map of England, Scotland and Wales and another of Ireland. Maps show location of Prestons covered in my pages and other Surnames in my line.

Date 12/22/97

  1. Added some estimated birthdates on Elizabeth McIlwaine page.
  2. Added page on another line of Prestons in Virginia. Starting with a Thomas Preston who arrived in Augusta Co., VA in 1735 at an estimated age of 9 years old. Data supplied by David Corley. Would appreciate any more information or comments on this line from anyone. Will be expanded as David supplies more information. My biggest question is, if Thomas was about 10 years old when he came to America, did he come with his parents, a cousin, did a relative send for him, is he related to the Smithfield, Walnut Grove or Bedford Co. Prestons ??? This family lived in Augusta Co. then Brunswick Co. and finally moved to Georgia.

Date 12/21/97

  1. Minor corrections to Robert Preston Rhea page and Joseph McIlwaine Rhea page.
  2. Added approximately 58 more Rheas to list of Individuals and linked to pages and paragraphs.

Date 12/19/97

  1. Added page on Prestons of Scotland, Craigmillar, taken from a document published by Historic Scotland on Craigmillar Castle. Covers the time period of about 1342 to 1660.
  2. Added link to Ed Foleys page "Descendants of Rev. Joseph Rhea" on my RHEA Page. Ed has authored a book on Rhea Genealogy and has extensive Rhea data. In the remote possibility that you can't find your Rhea data on MY page, you might try his.

Date 12/16/97

  1. Removed list of changes made to Preston Genealogy pages from 8/1/97 and 9/30/97 to help this page load faster.
  2. Removed link to Flashby Hall/Moreby (Prestons of England) due to an obvious error in dates. Need to research this.
  3. Added more names to list of Individual Prestons of England, now at 123 individuals, also sorted alphabetically. Have approx. 64 more to add after some further research.
  4. Changed wording on PRESTON BULLETIN BOARD, and removed the NEW notation. Added another request for help, and decided to add the new request at the top of the list, i.e., number 1, not at the end. The latest request is for info on Lucretia (Lucressy) Preston born in Russell Co., VA about 1775. She married William Henry Necessary.
  5. Added some text on Fanny Gaines page about the Civil War and also added a link to picture of the Intrepid.

Original 8/1/97

Last updated 7/27/2002