Letters from Ireland



Notes taken by Robert Coontz, Jr. at the Special Collections section of the William and Mary College Library . These are letters written to Robert Preston, Sr from 1793 to 1817 from relative in Ireland. Robert obtained a degree or license as a surveyor from Wm. & Mary College in December 1779 signed by James Madison, president of the college. Subsequently, Robert was appointed chief surveyor of Washington Co., VA by Thomas Jefferson, Gov. of Virginia.

Robert Preston was born in 1750 in the Londonderry area of Ireland. His mother and father were John Preston b.1726 and Eleanor Fairman (Ferman) Preston. Robert had a brother Walter Preston b. 1756 and a sister Jane (Janette) b.1758. In 1773 Robert came to America on Patton's merchant ship the 'Walpole'. This apparently was arranged by a cousin (?) William Preston (son of John Preston b.1699 and Elizabeth Patton Preston b.1700) Elizabeth was the dau. of Henry Patton who operated a fleet of merchant ships out of the Londonderry area. Henry's son James Patton was an officer in the Royal Navy and consequently received a grant of 120,000 acres of land in the Colony of Virginia to be settled by loyal citizens anywhere he wanted west of the Blue Mountains. John Preston and his wife Elizabeth Patton Preston came to Virginia in 1738 with 3 daughters and one son, William Preston. (Another dau. born in this country) It is presumed, William Preston sent for Robert Preston who was 23 in 1773. Robert later sent for his parents and brother and sister who came to Virginia in 1775 probably also on one of Patton's merchant ships.



20 December 1779
Certificate from the College of William and Mary appointing Robert Preston surveyor. Signed by James Madison, president of the college.

10 May 1793
Bill of sale: cloth and yarn made by James Preston, sold to Robert Preston in Derry (Which James and which Robert ?) (See letter dated 10 May 1817 for answer.)

21 July 1793
From Robert Preston ["Irish Bob" ?] to Robert Preston

Cousin Samuel and I are safe arrived.
Excellent Captain Hickey, but inhuman mate.
Uncle John Davis and Aunt were well when we left Ireland but is [sic] dead.
Your uncle is getting very frail.
When we came to town, we met with cousin Robert Divinport.

Note: Robert Preston, Sr. sent to Ireland to his cousin James Preston and wife Sarah Gilliland Preston, and had them send their son Robert Preston to America. He was adopted by Robert Preston and called "Irish Bob". Irish Bob later married Roberts dau. Jane Preston. They are my ancestors.

9 June 1794
Burnfoot, Londonderry, Ireland
From Alexander Dean (cousin) to Robert Preston
[Addressed "to the particular care of Mr. Alexander Porter, Wilmantown [?l]

Mentions Martha Hustown
Robert's father and mother in America
Mentions Rebecca, Martha and Janey in Ireland
"I was glad to hear your Walter is come a little farther from the Indians."

19 June 1794
Derry, Ireland
From James Preston to Robert Preston

"My Dear Robin" (pet name for Robert)
My sister Corter{?} died 8 September 1793.
Tell Walter I have written to him.

20 May 1796
Elaughmore, Ireland
From James Preston to Robert Preston

"You said my Brother and Sister had a sore turn of sickness..." [ Brother = Robert Preston's father ?] Hope they are better.
Mentions "your sister Jenny and family"
I have seen John Hamilton Leatty and his wife.
Compliments to John Donnell.

NOTE: Not sure who the brother was that was sick but John Preston, father of Robert Preston died 1 Sept. 1796.

13 June 1796
Derry, Ireland
From James Preston to Robert Preston


Hope your father has recovered from the palsy.
Am sending 300 Dublin newspapers.

27 May 1800
From Alexander and Rebecca Dean to Robert Preston

"Remember us to your brother and Mrs. Preston"
[ brother would be Walter Preston and Mrs. Preston would be Margaret Rhea Preston.]

30 May 1803
From Alexander Dean and Rebecca Dean to Robert Preston

Mention: Mr. and Mrs. Danvenport
Aunt Laird
"Your two old aunts is alive."

NOTE: In the letter 21 July 1793 when Robert Preston and cousin Samuel arrived in Philadelphia they mentioned meeting a Robert Divinport -- same person ???

June 1803
Sender not recorded ???

Aunt Laird's son lives at Aunt Devine/Devise/Davis ?
Mentions: "Robert McDugall who was killed in your neighborhood."

2 May 1805
Donegal County
From James and Sarah Preston to Robert Preston

"Dear Nephew"
Part of my family is with you.
"You and your wife's kindness...I experienced your gratitude and affection long e'er you reached America...benefits which they have received."
Mentions Alexander
Poor and afflicted condition of James Preston, Sr. of Derry; ulcers on his hands and feet, confined to bed for a year.
Remember us to cousin Walter Preston and family, to son and daughter Dennison and family, to Robert and Daughter Preston.
[Jame's ] son Alexander.
Cousin Sam Huston and family.

NOTE: Obviously the part of their family would be Robert Preston, Jr. or Irish Bob. Irish Bob married Jane Preston on 12 April 1798. By May 1805, Irish Bob and Jane had two children, James Preston b.1799 and Sarah Gilliland Preston b.1803. Not sure who daughter Dennison is but Robert Preston, Sr. married a Sally Dennison after Margaret's death in 1822.

22 May 1805
Donegall County, Ireland
From Aunt Jennet Ferman [= Fairman ?]

"Dear Nephew"

Old Aunt interred 12 April [probably Aunt Margaret who was 78 in 1803 according to another letter]
Sister is blind. [whose sister ?]
Your Cousin Jennet's husband died.
Mentions "your Cousin Mary and her brother Samuel"

6 August 1809
Elaughmore, Ireland
From James Preston to Robert Preston

Mentions "Cousin John (your son) and your son Robert"

NOTE: Robert's son John married Margaret Brown Preston in Oct. 1802 when he was 21 years old. His son Robert would be James Preston's son who was adopted by Robert and called "Irish Bob".

10 March 1811
Breaheed (Ireland)
From Jennet Holmes to Robert Preston

"Dear Cousin Robert"

My brother Samuel is dead.
Aunt Jennet Fairman in Drumadoan (Drumaduan) is dead 16 months ago.
My family and I live at Breahed.
Brother Andrew is married to Sarah Fairman. They have 2 children, John and Margaret.
Our friends in Miltoal: My Uncle and Aunt are dead. Young James is dead.
What is become of your sister Jennet's two children ?
My husband is dead. Daughter Rebeca died 7 years ago; was married to Robert Johnston and lived but 7 weeks after.
My sister Mary sends her love.

NOTES: Walter Preston used HOLMES for a middle name of one of his children. Robert's sister Jane was called Jennet. She married Matthew Rhea son of Rev. Joseph Rhea, in 1778. At the time of this letter, she had 4 children not 2 ???? They were born in 1787, 1791, 1783 and 1796. Of course Fairman or Ferman was the maiden name of John Preston's (b.1726) wife, Eleanor Fairman Preston.

1815 and 1819
From Fanny Ellis or Elder to Robert Preston
[ didn't record any information from these letters ]

25 August 1815
Elaughmore, Ireland
From James Preston to nephew Robert Preston

"That fiend of Satan Thomas Preston ... sold my place with his own ... Poor Sam will suffer after I am dead and gone. "Aunt still alive and well.
"My son-in-law William Gilleland intends to ship some of these days."

NOTE: Thomas Preston, Samuel Preston's father ???

10 May 1817
From James Preston, woolendraper, to Robert Preston

"Haven't seen you for 24 years. (1793 when Robert bought cloth from him in July)
"Son now a "disciple of Bacchus" [ i.e., drunkard]

6 October 1817
Franklin [ where ? somewhere in U.S.]
From William P. Gilliland to Robert Preston, Walnut Grove

Mentions Mrs. Preston; Aunt Preston; Miss Peggy Rhea; Andrew Dennison and family; Robert G. Preston; Cornall [Colonel] John H/M Preston; Robert P. Preston; Ferman, Francis, William McClellan.

NOTE: Miss Peggy Rhea would be Jannett Preston Rhea's dau. Margaret Rhea. Could Robert G. Preston be Irish Bob, G. for Gilliland ?, Colonel John Preston would be Robert Preston's son.

No Date
From Andrew Laird to Robert Preston

Brother James Holmes and family are well.
The Kingdom is in confusion - bloodsheed, murder. Gaols full, many transportations.
Uncle John Davis
Mother's brother James Holmes and sister send love to your father, mother, brother sister and their families.



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Original 1/13/2004
Last updated 1/13/2004
Page by F. L. Preston