A little about me and Harvest Hollow.

Hello, my name is Erika,  and live in the Beautiful mountains of West Virginia!!!

I do all of my patterns myself, meaning I write the instructions take the photo's and do all of the printing from my home.  When I started my pattern line back in 1998 it was called Hickey Hollow, then due to some unforeseen circumstances I had to take some time off.  When I started my designs again, I decided to start fresh and name my pattern line Prim~n~Folk Stitchin's.  Now I've decided to spread my wings into more than just my original patterns, so I have come to just be Harvest Hollow. 

I love to spend time outdoors in the Summer, not much of a Winter person, its just to darn cold!  My favorite season is Fall, I love Halloween!  It is one of my favorite times of year!  I do wish though that we could go straight through fall back to summer...

I work full time as a dental assistant and just started competing in powerlifting. 

I love creating my dolls, and all of your support is greatly appreciated! 

Each pattern comes with a Full Color Photo, Supplies List, Pattern and Instructions for making doll.

Meet my pets!

Meet Rocky the mouse.  He was found as a tiny newborn that Sable had spat out.  The intention was to raise him, yes I had fed him every two hours.  Eventually his little eyes opened and he started grooming himself.  Well anyhow, the  intention was to set him free when he was old enough, but I became quite attached to him so he has became part of the family and I know he is safe. :)

This is Popcorn and Sweet Pea.  My guineas are 3 years old and are VERY bossy!

This is Sable, she is my Boxer mix, and what a nerd she is!  She does a wonderful Tasmanian devil act

She is so Crazy!!


In Memory of Pepe, we lost him so suddenly on Sunday July 29th 2001.  I will ALWAYS and FOREVER miss him, I lost a precious friend that day, but am thankful for the 6 years he was with us.....


In memory of Bo, who at 13 years old still proved your only as old as you act.  I will ALWAYS miss him and his "Hey it's dinner time bark".  Bo was also lost very suddenly but I was lucky enough to be with him as he went off to doggie heaven.

In Memory of Tasha my lil baby, her and Sable were best pals even though there is more than 50lbs size difference. Tasha was about 6 pounds, but her heart weighed a ton!  My dear Tasha was diagnosed with Congestive heart failure and a collapsed trachea, after getting her medicines right I enjoyed another 5 months with her, until she quietly passed away.  So thankful to have had that last bit of time with her but so heartbroken she is gone.  She was 13. Miss her terribly.

In sweet memory of Zeke whom passed March 10th 2009.  Am I cute or what?  This is Zeke my Silky Terrier.  Him and Pepe were best of friends!  I know they are together again...

This is George he quietly passed away the 21st of April 2009.  His homeland was Okinawa Japan, he was about a year old when he came over the the United States! I fell in love with him and could not bare to leave him behind!!

My dearest Lucky.  I  miss him every day.  He was almost 17 years old and had survived a stroke when a very tragic accident happened. The pain in my heart may never heal.

I hope you enjoy my patterns, and please let me know if you ever have any questions about anything!!

 Thank you so much.

Sincerely, Erika Scott