One Percent

Ninety-nine percent
of all compound
energetic complexity
occurs in the last
one percent
of a holonomic umbra
hewn by ego.
A reciprocal awareness
of inseparable ONEness
places an egoless entity
in the unhewn
thought-wave matrix.
If an entity creates
or acknowledges
a second awareness,
cognition focuses
to the central nucleus
of the desired umbra.
Acknowledging a third
reciprocal thought
focuses an autonomous
cognitive Mind
two-thirds of the way
to the savage egotism
in the chaotic nucleus.
And a mere one hundred
emergent thoughts
focuses holonomic Mind
on the very brink
of the compound
holonomic complexity
produced in the last
one percent
of the desired
experiential umbra,
ninety-nine percent
of the way
to the central tumult.
- A.T. Williams
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