
Seated among others
in the Kapiolani Park
early one evening
a quarter-century
prior to my 58 years
of human experience
at this writing,
having been born
into materiality
August 16, 1934 CE,
I saw the phoenix
motionlessly hovering
beneath lazy,
low clouds offshore
and mutely watched it
occasionally maneuver
as the sun slowly set.
I saw it again later,
contoured by shadows
and Waikiki lights.
With a sudden smooth
enlargement in space
the metallic phoenix
with large opaque
sodium orange windows
approached very close,
soundlessly hovered
in cloaking darkness
over the palm trees,
then silently departed.
I know not
where it came from,
nor did others seem to
perceive its presence.
Some looked askance
at me as I looked at it,
yet none but myself
overtly acknowledged
the off world phoenix.
- A.T. Williams
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