Digital Mobile Radio


Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) uses the Motorola TRBO protocol for communications. Like other digital modes such as D-Star, C4FM and APCO P25, the TRBO protocol converts your voice into a digital form and sends it out via RF (with other bits of information included) and allows you to communicate to other DMR radios and also DMR repeaters, which are networked together around the world via the internet.

DMR for Beginners

DMR Guide - How-to start using DMR in Amateur Radio...

Digital Hotspot- Your internet gateway to a particular DMR network...

DMR for Dummies - An online resource to help you learn about digital mobile online resource to help you learn about digital mobile radio...

DMR "How-To" Guide - Outlining the steps you need to take in order to start using DMR as soon as possible.

Digital Radio ID - A Radio ID is a unique number assigned to you (and your callsign) by the team. Like a telephone number or IP address, your Radio ID identifies you as a unique radio user on the various DMR networks and repeaters around the world...

BridgeCom University - This is your one stop shop for all of your radio support and education needs.

BridgeCom Systems - Outstanding products that meet customer needs while providing industry leading customer service and support at a competitive price....

Brandmeister Network - A digital repeater network consisting servers and repeaters all over the world offering users the ability to communicate worldwide...

TGIF Network - Discuss and explore new technologies, DMR radios, digital modes, computers, etc in a friendly and knowledgeable environment while promoting Amateur Radio.
