Local Area Nets

Name Day Time Freq. (MHz) Tone
Morning Two Meter Net

10:00 146.940 (-) 88.5
Daytime Texas Traffic Net M-S 08:30 7.285SSB
Morning Texas Traffic Net M-S 10:00 7.290 SSB
Panhandle Traffic and
Emergency Net
M-S 0 Zulu 3.933 SSB
PARC PAIN Net SU 20:00 146.940 (-) 88.5
GAIN Net (Linked) TU 18:30 444.300
TBA As Needed 444.200 or
146.940 (-)
SKYWARN (Spotters) TBA As Needed 146.460 Simplex
NW Texas Emergency Net SU 08:00 3.950 LSB

W5WX - Morning Two Meter

Any licensed amateur radio operator is welcome to take a morning break, grab a favorite beverage and check-in to W5WX - Morning Two Meter on 146.940 weekdays - 10:00 am until 11:00 am.

Panhandle Amateur Information Net - PAIN

All area radio amateurs are invited to check-in to the PAIN net every Sunday evening at 8pm., either "for the count" or for a report of how your week went! It is the place to exchange social, technical equipment available for sale or trade and any other information or comments on your mind. We meet on the 146.940 W5WX "north" repeater.