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  Jim Ross, Baritone  
  Paul Ross, 1st Tenor  
  Dave DeBarr, Bass  
  Mark Ross, Lead

Caleb Ross

Dave Youngblood, Sound

Rod Lemley, Roadie


 About Us

Harold Board Memorial Fund


 Favorite Links

Harvest Gospel Studio




  "Ministry through Song"


2013 pub pix

Thank you for visiting our website.

After singing for 24 years, The Proclaimers have decided to retire.

We have been honored to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people throughout West Virginia, Ohio, and Maryland. It was our privilege to have been invited into your churches, and to your fairs, and gatherings. We hope that something we said or did touched your life in some way.

The Proclaimers were a quartet comprised of SIX Christian men.

Also, joining The Proclaimers part time was another Ross, and Christian, Caleb Ross.

Our goal was to spread the word of Jesus Christ through song.  We accomplished this task by singing at local churches, festivals, revivals, and other special events throughout the Mid-Ohio Valley.

We hope, The Proclaimers' music and fellowship have touched the hearts and lives of people in our community.


 Music Projects
 Bible Verse
"As long as I am in the world,
I am the LIGHT of the world"

     John 9:5 
      "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature"

Mark 16:15 






Last Revised:  03 Jan, 2017