The Top Ten ways to know you are married to a Medic


10. You special order Christmas cards with a picture of an ambulance.

9. You special order Christmas wrapping paper with the star of life.


8. You do not find it unusual to follow ambulances in a strange city.

7. You are on the way to a Nascar Race and beg all others in the vehicle to not stop at a car wreck.

6. You do not find it unusual to stop on the way to see Santa at the Mall to do CPR.

5. You listen to the scanner over dinner and find humor in the dinner conversation of "if he is cold he is most likely dead."


4. If your spouse gets irritated when you call him at work and ask if he has been busy just to hear the tones go off.


3. If you set your watch to the 7:00pm radio time test and can repeat the phrase the dispatcher says after the time test.

2. If you refer to yourself as a half-unit and your children as quarter-units.

And the number one way you know you are married to a medic....

1. You do not become offended when your husband jumps out of the bed in the midst of passionate love making to respond to the plane crash with possible fatalities.

    This is her idea of a vacation place.....aaahhhh