A Little Poem Book
By James Ebb Huggins, Jr.

Dedicated to:
Lyman Gregory and Heinz and Patrica Faludi
"Thanks for the inspiration of - the Little  Poem Books!"

Have you ever received a gift - from a special friend
That turned your life upside down - from beginning to the end.
That made you take another look - at what things are all about
And redirected your road of life - to a more important route?

Well I did while in Church the other day - as I greeted a special friend there,
Who was sitting in his usual place - with much friendship to share.
I had not seen him for a while - because I had stayed away,
From the place that provides the fuel of life - each and ever day.

He greeted me with a look of concern. - "Where have you been?" he would ask.
"We have missed you and were worried - have you embarked upon another task?"
"No", I replied, "I've just been staying away - doing the things I do",
  "Following along my usual path - not accomplishing much when I'm through".

"I have a small gift for you." he said,  - "A little poem book I have found."
"And as I read it through, I thought of you - and have been carrying it around
In hopes that you would come back to the place - where friendship is here to share,
Among all who believe that love - is the key to God's abounding care".

I was humbled by this gift of concern - by his sincere offering of love,
And by the patience displayed by him - as he obeyed the good Lord above.
There is a lesson to be learned from this - if one takes time to take a look,
At how important a simple gift can be - like a little poem book.

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