All Sports Should Be Heard

by James Ebb Huggins, Jr.

To: Ms. Mary Jimenez,
Times Sports Writer

Your Orienteering article in the Newspaper today is as good as an article can be.
Professionally done, clear and concise, a joy for all to see.
It is good to have a reporter like you, to observes the large and the small.
For the world of sports is not just for the big, but has something to offer all.

Your communication skills are a gift from God. He allowed you to display them today,
And I know that He is pleased with your work, for having such good things to say
About a sport that is spiritually based, one that happens where He lives,
On this sweet earth which He freely provides, among the trees and hills.

So keep up the good work and let me know, if I can help you in what you do.
For I hope to be here, through thick and thin, until His work for me is through.
I pledge continued support to you and yours, to help you spread the word
To all that will hear, from far and near, that all sports are important and should be heard.
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