Sunrise and Sunset
by James Ebb Huggins, Jr.
Photography by my good friend, Bill Mackey
7 January 2001

I saw the sun rise over Lake Texoma this morn.  It was a majestic sight to see.
And as it rose, I humbly prayed, "God thank you for giving these eyes to me".
When the sun had exited the Lake so clear, only golden ripples remained.
And as it rose the Lake seemed to say, "God's gift has been sweet night before this new day".
When all the sun's glory was finally revealed, with majesty from above.
The retreating night whispered these words, "God's gift to you is this glorious day".
A silent devotional was offered as the new day was born, an inspiration much to behold.
And as the sun approached it's throne, it seemed to say, "God's gift to you is this new day".
As I gazed into the eyes of my good friend there, each eye filled with a thankful tear.
We both seemed intent to earnestly pray, "God thank you for the gift, of another day".
So when the sun sets and my work on earth is through, and I go to that perfect place.
I know that He will greet me, and gently say, "My gift to you, is this eternal day".

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