That Winning Grin
by James Ebb Huggins, Jr.
Peter Snell Honored by Knighthood.

My goal in life was to outrun Peter Snell.
But not at Cedar Hills today, I can truly tell.
For he came up the trail much like a flash,
And jumped the creek without a splash.
The creek he hurdled was only two foot wide,
So he cleared it easily, from side to side.

He continued on with the grace of a deer,
And with that speed, I could not come near.
I saw his face gleam as he went past,
And I thought, "That ear to ear grin - will surely last".
That grin will last for ever in my memory,
For it stands for a true champion, of camaraderie.

To outrun Peter some day is a goal much too bold,
  So to remember that grin is my ultimate goal.
To my training program I will add a practice grin,
For to have one like Peter's means - I will always win.

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