In the Trenches
One of the more demanding, and enjoyable, activities of each school year was a joint function between the Haughton and Parkway AFJROTC Units called "Field Day".

Field Day offered a combination of activities for some 500 plus young people. The activities offered included obstacle course, Orienteering, and physical fitness.  The Chief and his beloved "Special Forces" sponsored and constructed the obstacle course. The course included walls, ropes, tunnels, log bridges, and mazes constructed in the forest. Each participant was required to navigate through, around, or over each obstacle. The fastest time was the winner.

I always made it a matter of routine to check with The Chief as I returned from preparing for the Orienteering activity. As I would approach the construction area I would hear hammering, sawing, and instructions being given. My inquiry as to the whereabouts of The Chief was usually answered with a busy, "down at the log obstacle"! As I approached the obstacle, I observed The Chief along with several of his Cadets, knee high in mud and water, attempting to place a log into a safe position. Each member of the group was doing his or her part and The Chief was right in the trench with them. Enjoying every minute of it.

As I reflect back, it seems that this was a direct example of the philosophy that The Chief had toward his relationship with his students and all that he came into contact with. He taught by demonstration. He experienced situations along with others. He led by example. His life was his ministry. His ministry was characterized by being "In The Trenches" with others.
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