The Coach
by James Ebb Huggins, Jr.

Please see The Coach - John Woden.

(Coach, the sign "Character Counts" will always be on your wall.  You invented the phrase.  Thanks!  I Pray to be with you again some day.)

In an period of what appears to be an attempt by some to reestablish acceptable standards and values in our Country, and knowingly running the risk of being criticized for being hypocritical and/or "holier than though", I often look back at the old days and remember "The Coach".

"The Coach" ruled the athletic field house with an iron hand.  He was strong (he could do one hand pushups which none of us could do), fast (he could out run any one of us), mean (when you crossed him or did not do your job), and compassionate (he was always there in time of need). He had signs on all the walls such as: "The Alibier is a Liar", "Attitude, Attitude, Attitude", "Team before self", "Some can and some can't, some will and some wont, some do and some don't.", "You can, if you will", "He who hesitates is lost", etc.  He wore a whistle around his neck that meant you run, you stop running, or you shut up and listen.  We all new what to do, and did it, when he blew it.  Images of the past? I suppose so.

Today one can be re-elected as mayor of a major city after spending time in prison for drug violations, be considered a hero after being convicted for rape, be a top entertainer after producing trash for all to witness, get off light after spitting in the face of an umpire, distribute misinformation and justify it as "good politics", etc. What has happened to decency, integrity, and acceptable moral/ethical standards? Is this the image of the future? I hope not!

"Coach", wherever you are, Mother Bird and I would like to add one more sign to the your wall.  It's simple and will not take up much room.  It represents everything that you, and the United States of America, stands for.  It goes like this: "Character Counts".

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