The New Eyeball
By James Ebb Huggins, Jr.
12 January 2001

I got a new eyeball the other day, and it's a blessing to behold.
It allows me to see things brighter and clearer - much better than the old.
There is a challenge that must be met - with this new "high tech" device,
For there's a problem that presents itself  - when an image enters the brain twice.

It's the problem of deciding which eye is in charge - which one is the boss?
For if you select the wrong one - your decision making skill may be a loss.
You get fuzzy dark images from the old eye - bright new ones from the new,
And it takes a while to sort things out - many decisions to make before you're through.

A case in point occurred this morning - when I greeted the one whose life I share,
As she awoke from a good nights slumber - and proceeded to her favorite chair
Demanding her first cup of coffee - to be delivered with breakneck  speed,
As though the world might end at any moment - if I delay this special need.

I had to move fast to grant the wish - that the love of my life was demanding
And forgot my "post op" condition - as the coffee to her I was handing.
You guessed it, I spilled the hot coffee on her - I was frustrated and she was sad,
But it did not burn, it was only a scare - but it really made her mad.

To patch things up, I looked at her - no make up and hair in a tumble,
And noted that she looked better through the old eyeball - which started a terrible rumble.
I was only relating what I saw - having to select from the old image or the new
And realized that there are critical decisions to make - after eyeball replacement is through.

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