The Walking Staff
by James Ebb Huggins, Jr.

The walking staff may be the tool of choice
For those who want to keep on O'ing
After aged cartilage in the knees has gone
And bone to bone pain is showing.

The staff makes the body a little lighter,
If used the way it's supposed to be used,
And makes moving through the forest brighter
If skill and technique is not abused.

"Three points of contact" is the defensive shield
That can cut down on many a fall,
When a stick, limb, or vine is suddenly revealed
And a spill down a hill might call.

When heavy undergrowth does appear
And penetration is the thing to do,
The staff is the perfect tool to have near
To create a path you can go through.

There are many other uses for the rod
From water crossings to log balancing skills,
And functions that are not yet known
As more staff users roam the forested hills.

There is a negative that must be told,
One that might make you feel real bad.
It  comes from those who are not yet old;
As a funny look and grin to make you sad.

But don't let harassment sway or divert
The benefits the mighty cane might send.
For as long as you have your walking staff close by,
You will always have a friend.
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