I was looking through Mother Birds stuff the other day and came across A Turtle on a Post , which was written some time ago.  It got me to thinking about how some of our leaders have conducted themselves since then.  I guess the "Angel of  Truth and Justice" is slow coming, but I bet She will appear -- some day!

Weak Moments
by James Ebb Huggins, Jr.

Weak moments happen to all of us - every now and then.
Bill and Jessie have had a few - perhaps why their friendship does so blend.
Of course one has to wonder - when "weak moments" last a long time,
Are they only "weak moments" - or a pattern of lust, hate, and crime?
But, as our liberal friends would have it - who are we to criticize
Others for their "weak moments" - with suspicious and judgmental eyes,
Or question if a life time of "weak moments"- is really good or bad,
Or consider how many little ones - weak moments have made real sad,
Or allow ourselves to ponder - the hurt caused by these weak men,
Or wonder how many children have been influenced - to commit to a life of sin?
I would never question their motives openly - but in a weak moment this thought did pass.
The good people of our Country should stand up and holler - "Straighten up or we kick yo' a _ _!"
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