God's Gift

by James E. Huggins, Jr. 

We saw the sun set into Lake DeGray.
It was a glorious sight to see.
And as it sank it seemed to say,
"God's gift to you has been this day".
When the sun had entered the lake so clear.
Only golden ripples remained.
And as we watched the lake seemed to say,
"God's gift to you has been this day".
When all the sun's glory was finally spent.
With majesty from above.
The star lit night seemed to say,
"God's gift to you has been this day".
A devotional was offered in the early morn.
An inspiration much to behold.
The rising sun seemed to say,
"God's gift to you will be this day".
As we gazed into each others eyes.
Each filled with a loving tear.
All seemed intent to earnestly pray,
"God thank you for the gift, of another day".
So when our days on earth are through.
And we go to that perfect place.
With outreaching arms He will gently say.
"My gift to you is this eternal day".
Dedicated to those who made the Ozark All Society Campout such a wholesome experience.
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